See umbrella issues  and 

Project resources pre/post split

The table below tries to imagine the future state of various project resources post-split, together with some related comments on how to get there.

CurrentLuceneSolr TLPIssuesComment
Main git repo


lucene (new)solr (new)

Decide on conditions for the split
Decide a date for code freeze
Fork old lucene-solr repo into two new (lucene and solr)
Add a commit to in old repo about where to find the new repos
Make old repo read only.

Website CMS repolucene-siteKeep lucene-sitesolr-site


Post-work to do on both repos after split
Update mailing list addresses, git repo info, download pages etc
NB: lucene/solr needs a perm 301 redirect (forever in htaccess) and front page link for several months

Update htaccess to add redirects from solr to new solr. Also change internal Subversion mod_rewrite (see below)

Website HTML repo
Keep lucene


Data (Javadocs, Refguide HTML) needs to be svn-mv'ed.
User mail listsjava-user@lucene

Post a message to solr-user@lucene about the new address.
Auto-reply when posting to old list?
Issues mail listissues@luceneissues@luceneissues@solr

Setup JIRA and GitHub to send to correct list
Builds mail listbuilds@lucenebuilds@lucenebuilds@solr

Setup Jenkins to send to correct list
JenkinsLucene / lucene*
Lucene / solr*
Lucene / lucene*Solr / solr*

Create a new Folder named "Solr" (will be done by Infra, PMC gets access). Move jobs via dragdrop/move.

Release repolucene/java
lucene/java/solr/ (new)

Anything to setup with Infra?
Old lucene/solr folder needs a new README to let people know of the new location
README in new solr/ release repo needs to mention old and new archive
Release proceduresdev-tools/scripts/
Modify for projectModify for project

Each project will adapt releaseWizard and other release scripts for their needs
IRC, Slack#solr-dev
(No change)

Already separate
PGP KEYS filelucene/KEYS(same)solr/KEYS
Prepare new KEYS file for the new Solr PMC
GitHub PRslucene-solr PRslucene PRssolr PRs

PRs will be frozen (ReadOnly) together with the lucene-solr GitHub project
We'll document commands necessary to take a lucene-solr PR (branch) and merge it into new repos

Draft board resolution

(This temporary section was removed 2021-02-18, after project establishment)