This is a guide for code contribution to Pegasus. Before writing your code, please take a second reading this doc.


We currently use clang-format-3.9 for C++ code formatting. Please install this tool and run before submitting a PR:




Pegasus supports ccache to accelerate compilation. It significantly reduces the building time, by caching the intermediate results on your disk. We highly recommend this tool for Pegasus development.

sudo apt install ccache

ccache -M 5G # configure the cache size

Once you installed ccache, Pegasus's building process will automatically detect it without any manual configuration.

Continuous Integration

Pegasus runs a Github Actions workflow/TravisCI for each of the submitted pull-request. The CI procedure checks:

For more details about how we run Github Actions, please refer to this doc: Github Actions

Heap Profiling

By default, Pegasus enables gperftools and utilizes tcmalloc for memory allocation. To analyzing the memory/cpu usage of Pegasus server, you can run pprof against the target server. The Pegasus server will retrieve profiling data via gperftools library and respond via HTTP. 

pprof --svg > heap.svg


Pegasus uses thrift as the serialization tool for RPC data. To modify the RPC structs in Pegasus, or to add a new RPC type, you need to update the corresponding ".thrift" protocol file, and run:

./rdsn/ # if the thrift is in rdsn

./src/idl/ # if the thrift is in pegasus

We directly manage thrift as one of our third-parties, that is, it requires no separate installation. After running `./ build` it will be automatically installed under `./rdsn/thirdparty/output/bin`.