
La comunicación entre el servidor HTTP y Geronimo, también puede realizarse mediante conectores AJP. Por defecto, ambas distribuciones Apache Geronimo (Jetty y Tomcat), ya cuentan con un oyente AJP v13 predefinido; los puertos donde esos oyentes están definidos, varían de una distribución a la otra.

Esta sección cubrirá la configuración para ambas distribuciones Geronimo, ya que los pasos a seguir son muy similares (más no iguales).

El módulo Jakarta Tomcat Connector mod_jk se proporciona como un conector en el código fuente de Apache Tomcat. Jetty (y obviamente Tomcat) es completamente compatible con este conector. Este módulo esta disponible cuando descargas al código fuente de Tomcat, pero también esta disponible como descarga separada; consulta la siguiente URL para obtener la versión apta para tu sistema.


Además de mod_jk, requerirás al archivo workers.properties, también disponible en la distribución de código fuente de Apache Tomcat. Este archivo de propiedades indica al plugin mod_jk el cómo conectarse al servidor Geronimo. Para una explicación detallada en toda opción disponible dentro de la configuración de Jakarta Tomcat Connector visita la siguiente URL:


Por fines prácticos, el módulo mod_jk_1.2.6_2.0.50.dll para Windows y el archivo workers.properties se incluyen en la sección de Attachments (Adjuntos) de este artículo.

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Configure Apache HTTPd

Download the appropriate mod_jk for your platform from the Tomcat web site, rename it to mod_jk.dll (or .so depending on your platform) and copy it into the <httpd_home>\modules directory. Download and extract the workers.properties from the Apache Tomcat source (alternatively, download it from the Attachments section) to the <httpd_home>\conf directory.

Edit the httpd.conf file located in the <httpd_home>\conf directory to load the Jakarta Tomcat Connector mod_jk module. Add the following lines at the end of the httpd.conf file.

LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.dll				
# Loads the Jakarta Tomcat Connector module

JkWorkersFile <httpd_home>\conf\workers.properties
# Tells the module the location of the workers.properties file

JkLogFile     <httpd_home>\logs\mod_jk.log
# Specifies the location for this module's specific log file

JkLogLevel    info
# Sets the module's log level to info

JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
# Sets the module's log time stamp format

JkAutoAlias <httpd_home>\config-store
# Automatically Alias webapp context directories into the Apache document space.

JkMount /console/* ajp13
# Sets a mount point from a context to a Tomcat worker. In this case will allow access (forward the request) to the console.

JkMount will map anything behind /console/ to the worker ajp13. The name ajp13 is defined in the workers.properties file which is described next. You will need to add more JkMount directives depending on the applications you want to be accessed via the remote HTTPd.

In this example the console has been enabled just for demonstation purposes. In a production environment you will not want to have the console accessible from the other network (normally the Internet). Having the console accessible represents a big security exposure.

The rule is that everything should have restricted access, normally a firewall would be placed in between the HTTP and the application server (depending on the topology) and you should map just the minumum resources necessary to have your application working from the other side.

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Configure workers.properties

The workers.properties, among other things, tells the HTTPd where the Geronimo server is, what version of AJP should use and the port where Geronimo is listening.

Edit the workers.properties file located in the <httpd_home>\conf directory to match your environment. The following example is an excerpt from the workers.properties file with just the variables you should focus on.

# Sets the JAVA_HOME

# For Windows systems use back slash "\" , for Unix systems use forward slash "/"

# Use default 8009 for Apache Tomcat
# Change this value to 8019 for Jetty

# Specifies the location of the Geronimo server. Use default localhost for single-tier scenarios. Specify the hostname of the Geronimo server for multi-tier environments.

# Sets the version of AJP used. The AJP listeners defined in Geronimo are AJP v13.

From this example note how the name of the worker is defined, look at the variables definition worker.ajp13.* , ajp13 is the worker name you specified earlier in the httpd.conf.

As a last step, stop and restart the Apache HTTPd to ensure these changes are loaded.

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For testing this configuration make sure both Geronimo and HTTPd are up and running.

  1. Check Geronimo connectivity by accessing http://localhost:8080/console , you should see the Geronimo Administration Console.
  2. Check HTTPd connectivity by accessing http://localhost , you should see the Apache HTTPd welcome page.
  3. Check the HTTPd - Geronimo request forwarding by accessing http://localhost/console/ , you shoud be redirected to the Geronimo Administration Console. Note at the end of the URL there is a "/", failing to include this / will result in a Not Found error triggered by the Jakarta Tomcat Connector module.
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