Overview (from SLING-1438)

This is a Google Summer of Code 2010, Federico Paparoni has been accepted as a student to work on it, mentored by Bertrand Delacretaz (hopefully with the help of the Sling community!)

The goal is to create a mini-CMS with Sling, that demonstrates Sling best practices.

The emphasis is on the quality and readability of the demo code, and we expect to have to go through several iterations to refine it and the corresponding JCR content model so that they demonstrate Sling best practices. We will not necessarily create a full-fledged CMS, the goal is for the result to be educational and help Sling newcomers understand how to create web applications with it.

Suggested technologies: jQuery for the front-end, ESP and/or JSP for server-side scripting, and Java code in OSGi bundles for back-end functionality.

We should find a better name than "mini-CMS" for this project.

See http://tinyurl.com/asfgsoc for the full list of GSoC 2010 projects at the ASF, and http://community.apache.org/gsoc for general GSoC information.
