
JConsole is a Java Management eXtension (JMX) compliant GUI tool that can be used to connect to a running Geronimo server instance. In JConsole, you will be able to monitor the JVM memory usage, threads stack trace, loaded classes and VM information as well as Geronimo MBeans.

Monitoring Geronimo in JConsole

To make Geronimo accessible to JConsole you can simply deactive both password authentication and secure socket layer (SSL) encryption:

  1. If you are running the server with IBM JDK 6, you have to add the following Java options to disable password authentication and SSL connection. Note that the command should be typed on a single line.
    * On a Windows system
    set JAVA_OPTS=-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=<port> -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false
    * On a Linux system
    export JAVA_OPTS="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=<port> -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false  
    _<port>_ is a free port on which you would like to enable this connection.

  2. Start the server.
  3. Then, run the command jconsole from <JDK_HOME>\bin directory.
  4. In the dialog New connection of JConsole, input the connection information in the Remote Process field.
  5. Then click OK. Note that information may vary when you are using IBM SDK or Sun SDK.

Monitor Geronimo in JConsole with secure JMX connection enabled

Password authentication over secure sockets layer (SSL) can be used to ensure that unauthorized persons cannot control or monitor your server. Before connecting to the secure JMX server in JConsole, you have to make a few configuration steps to disable the non-secure JMX server and start the jmx-security module.

  1. Enable JMX-security module of the Geronimo server.
  2. Then, open a command window and set environment variable.
    * On a Windows system
    set GERONIMO_HOME=<Geronimo_HOME>
    * On a Linux system
    export GERONIMO_HOME=<Geronimo_HOME>
    where <Geronimo_HOME> is the installation directory of the Geronimo server
  3. Run <JDK_HOME>/bin/jconsole via the following command. Note that the command has been split across several lines for readability. The command must be typed on a single line.
    * On a Windows system
    jconsole \-J-D-Dorg.apache.geronimo.keyStoreTrustStorePasswordFile=%myDir%/KeystoreTrustSotrePasswordFile.key
    * On a Linux system
    jconsole \-J-D-Dorg.apache.geronimo.keyStoreTrustStorePasswordFile=$myDir/KeystoreTrustSotrePasswordFile.key

    _myDir_ is the location of your trusted keystore file. By default, the content of file is from /var/config/config-substitutions.properties file. See Creating your keystorefile for SSL authentication for more details.
  4. In the dialog Connect to Agent of JConsole, click Advanced, and input the information:
  5. Then click OK. JConsole will connect to Geronimo MBeans management interface. Switch to Means tab for server-wide information. In this case, tabs other than MBeans are inactive. Note that information may vary when you are using IBM SDK or Sun SDK.