JUnit 4 for CDI Java-SE tests

If just plain unit testing is needed without JEE APIs it's possible to use the AbstractCdiAwareTest

public class SimpleJUnitTest extends org.apache.myfaces.extensions.cdi.test.junit4.AbstractCdiAwareTest
    private Logger logger;

    public void testLogger()
        this.logger.info("I'm a JUnit test-case and I can use dependency injection!");

JUnit 4 for CDI Java-EE tests

If it's required to test e.g. request scoped beans it's possible to use the AbstractServletAwareTest

public class SimpleJUnitTest extends org.apache.myfaces.extensions.cdi.test.junit4.AbstractServletAwareTest
    private RequestScopedBean requestScopedBean;

    public void testLogger()

If it's required to test e.g. grouped conversation scoped beans it's possible to use the AbstractServletAwareTest

public class SimpleJUnitTest extends org.apache.myfaces.extensions.cdi.test.junit4.AbstractJsfAwareTest
    private ViewAccessScopedBean viewAccessScopedBean;

    public void testLogger()

Needed modules and dependencies

Because the unit-test modules will never be needed in production builds, you have to add the CODI-test modules manually, even if you are using one of the all-in-one packages. You'll need at least the myfaces-extcdi-junit-support-module for general JUnit support. And depending on your needs, you'll also need the myfaces-extcdi-owb-support-module and myfaces-extcdi-jsf-support-module. Don't forget to also include the needed (test)modules of the CDI implementation. In case of OWB, you'll need cditest and cditest-owb from the org.apache.openwebbeans.test group. For convenience, here's a pom-snippet to pick the needed dependencies from:

        <!-- JUnit -->

        <!-- CODI test modules -->
        <!-- the CODI myfaces-extcdi-jsf-support-module depends on myfaces-test -->

        <!-- needed by myfaces test -->

        <!-- OWB test -->


An example is available here.