h2. Language
*Available as of Camel 2.5*

The language component allows you to send [Exchange] to an endpoint which executes a script by any of the supported [Languages] in Camel.
By having a component to execute language scripts, it allows more dynamic routing capabilities. For example by using the [Routing Slip] or [Dynamic Router] EIPs you can send messages to {{language}} endpoints where the script is dynamic defined as well.

This component is provided out of the box in {{camel-core}} and hence no additional JARs is needed. You only have to include additional Camel components if the language of choice mandates it, such as using [Groovy] or [JavaScript] languages.

h3. URI format


h3. URI Options
The component supports the following options. 
|| Name || Default Value || Type || Description ||
| {{languageName}} | {{null}} | {{String}} | The name of the [Language|Languages] to use, such as {{simple}}, {{groovy}}, {{javascript}} etc. This option is mandatory. |
| {{script}} | {{null}} | {{String}} | The script to execute. |
| {{transform}} | {{true}} | {{boolean}} | Whether or not the result of the script should be used as the new message body. By setting to {{false}} the script is executed but the result of the script is discarded. |

h3. Message Headers
The following message headers can be used to affect the behavior of the component

|| Header || Description ||
| {{CamelLanguageScript}} | The script to execute provided in the header. Takes precedence over script configured on the endpoint. | 

h3. Examples

For example you can use the [Simple] language to [Message Translator] a message:

In case you want to convert the message body type you can do this as well:

You can also use the [Groovy] language, such as this example where the input message will by multiplied with 2:

You can also provide the script as a header as shown below. Here we use [XPath] language to extract the text from the {{<foo>}} tag.
Object out = producer.requestBodyAndHeader("language:xpath", "<foo>Hello World</foo>", Exchange.LANGUAGE_SCRIPT, "/foo/text()");
assertEquals("Hello World", out);

{include:Endpoint See Also}
- [Languages]
- [Routing Slip]
- [Dynamic Router]