Windows Full Install (English x86)


1. Initial Conditions
2. Initial Configuration
3. Download Presence
4. Installer Startup
5. Setup Installation

6. Perform Setup

7. Post-Installation Observations

1. Initial Conditions

  1. The first build tested from Apache OpenOffice is identified as 3.4.0 OOO340m1 (Build:9584). Is is the 2011-12-15 Developer Snapshot uploaded by Raphael Bircher. The file is identified OOo_3.4.0_Win_x86_install_en_US.exe.
  2. The installation begins with the installer downloaded to a file location from which it can be executed.

2. Initial Configuration

There are many variations of initial configuration that matter. This first run-through of the typical scenario is not the simplest but accounts for possible interactions with existing installations.

This instance of the scenario is using a configuration of Windows Vista that already has three other ODF-supporting applications installed:

2.1 Observations

2.2 Issues/Migration

2.3 Variations

3. Download Presence

3.1 Observations

3.2 Issues/Migration

3.3 Variations

4. Installer Startup

Installation was initiated by double-clicking the downloaded installer file.

4.1 Observations

4.2 Issues/Migration

4.3 Variations

5. Setup Installation

The download sets-up in two stages. The configuration for setup is extracted from the installer executable and then setup is executed. This can be mystifying. (See observations in conjunction with the different dialogs.)

5.1 Verification of the Setup Installer

5.1.1 Observations

5.1.2 Issues/Migration

5.1.3 Variations

5.2 Setup Installation Preparation

Once the installer is verified, it is discovered that the first stage is not yet complete.

5.2.1 Observations

5.2.2 Issues/Migration

5.2.3 Variations

5.3 Selecting Setup Location

Now it gets very confusing. When the "Select Folder" dialog comes up next, I immediately go into the Browse option. Here I am setting up a new folder in the same UNC location that I downloaded the installer to, identifying which installation I am using it with:

5.3.1 Observations

NOTE: I did not capture the Select Folder dialog before I browsed for a folder location. I will compensate for that after this screen. – dh:2011-12-20T02:06Z

5.3.2 Issues/Migration

5.3.3 Variations

5.4 Selecting Setup Unpacking

At this point, it is the setup files that are being installed, not itself. This is how that appears before the unpack is started:

5.4.1 Observations

5.4.2 Issues/Migration

5.4.3 Variations

5.5 Unpacking the Setup

Now the setup files are being unpacked into a place where the setup can be run.

The "Show Details" display provides a running log of the unpacking and initiation of the execution of the next stage.

5.5.1 Observations

5.5.2 Issues/Migration

5.5.3 Variations

6. Perform Setup

When the setup files are installed, setup is carried out by the "Installation Wizard."

6.1 Installation Wizard Start Screen

If the space requirements are satisfied, there is an option to proceed:

6.1.1 Observations

6.1.2 Issues/Migration

6.1.3 Variations

6.2 Identify User and Select Installation Account(s)

This single dialog combines two separable configuration cases:

6.2.1 Observations

6.2.2 Issues/Migration

6.2.3 Variations

6.3 Choose Setup Type

6.3.1 Observations

6.3.2 Issues/Migration

6.3.3 Variations

6.4 Ready to Install the Program

6.4.1 Observations

6.4.2 Issues/Migration

6.4.3 Variations

6.5 Installation Progress Status

The installation screen reports stages and uses progress bars.

6.5.1 Observations

6.5.2 Issues/Migration


6.5.3 Variations

6.6 Internationalization Cross-Talk/Defects?

Here, there is an odd situation. A series of dialog frames provide status descriptions in Italian:

6.6.1 Observations

6.6.2 Issues/Migration

6.6.3 Variations

6.7 Completion of Installation

The status descriptions return to English:

This appears to be the actual setup of the downloaded build now:

Sometimes there is no status to speak of:

6.7.1 Observations

6.7.2 Issues/Migration

6.7.3 Variations

6.8 Confirmation of Installation

6.8.1 Observations

6.8.2 Issues/Migration

6.8.3 Variations

7. Post-Installation Observations

7.1 Desktop Changes

7.1.1 Observations

7.1.2 Issues/Migration

7.1.3 Variations

7.2 First-Run and Main Window

7.2.1 Observations

7.2.2 Issues/Migration

7.2.3 Variations

7.3 About Dialog

7.3.1 Observations

7.3.2 Issues/Migration

7.3.3 Variations