Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Apache Traffic Server FAQ.
Below is a list of frequently asked questions pertaining to Apache Traffic Server.

  1. What Platforms does Traffic Server support
  2. 'sudo make install' fails with '/usr/bin/install: invalid group nobody'
  3. How do I enable forward proxy mode?
  4. How do I access POST data in a Traffic Server plugin
  5. How do I enable DNS lookups?
  6. How do I enable SSL between Client/ATS/Origin end points?
  7. What happens if Traffic Server crashes?
  8. Do you have any sample configuration files?
  9. How do I profile Traffic Server's performance?
  10. How do get detailed logs for particular requests served by Traffic Server?
  11. How to enable cache inspector and others in http_ui?
  12. More questions?

What Platforms does Traffic Server support

'sudo make install' fails with '/usr/bin/install: invalid group nobody'
# It is very important to do a clean uninstall and distclean before
# re-configuring, re-building, and re-installing after the failed
# first install.
sudo make uninstall
sudo make distclean
configure i.e './configure --with-group=nogroup'

How do I enable forward proxy mode?

How do I access POST data in a Traffic Server plugin

How do I enable DNS lookups?

How do I enable SSL between Client/ATS/Origin end points?

What happens if Traffic Server crashes?

Do you have any sample configuration files?

Yes we do, see the sample configuration page.

How do i profile Traffic Server's performance

Visit the Profiling page for more information.

How do get detailed logs for particular requests served by Traffic Server?

You can set
CONFIG proxy.config.http.slow.log.threshold INT
in records.config to see various time milestones for HTTP requests in the error log. The value is in milliseconds, requests that take longer than that value will generate a slow log entry.

How to enable cache inspector and others in http_ui?

http_ui is a cache inspector for TS internal system, a Swiss knife tool for TS, you can setup http_ui by:

  1. add these remap rules to remap.config, you may need to replace localhost to your own hostname
        map http://localhost/cache-internal/ http://{cache-internal}
        map http://localhost/cache/ http://{cache}
        map http://localhost/stat/ http://{stat}
        map http://localhost/test/ http://{test}
        map http://localhost/hostdb/ http://{hostdb}
        map http://localhost/net/ http://{net}
        map http://localhost/http/ http://{http}
  2. enable http_ui from records.config, we use command line tool hereļ¼š
        traffic_line -s proxy.config.http_ui_enabled -v 3
        traffic_line -s proxy.config.http.enable_http_info -v 1
  3. get traffic_server aware of the change:
        traffic_line -x
  4. testing with nc:
        echo -e "GET http://localhost/stat/ HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" | nc -i 1 localhost 8080

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