Bigtop Packaging

One of the longer term goals is to have Bigtop packages serve as as reference to eventually get Hadoop introduced into most Linux distributions.

Currently, this is problematic owning to the lack of maven3 native packaging for many major Linux distributions. However, Bigtop makefiles and other artifacts, create an alterntive build root, which then uses native rpm or .deb packaging tools to create packages.

We strive to follow best practices with both rpm and Debian based distributions.
If you discover packaging or installation issues, please file a ticket

Getting started with bigtop packaging.

1) You will have to package both deb and rpm.  Starting with one or the other is the best.

2) Here are some steps you can follow to bring a new bigtop package in.

3) As always, we will improve on the directions above, but this should help to get you started. .

Helpful docs on bigtop packaging (will expand this table over time). 

Romans talk on RPMs vs Tarballs and BigTop Packaging

Walkthrough of RPM spec for hadoop in BigTop

RPM Macros

RPM %Files

Debian Policies