What's This?

A place for new doc contributors to Apache CloudStack to learn about what happened before they got here. This might help explain why we do things the way we do.



Summer 2010

Spring 2011

Summer 2011

Spring 2012

Fall 2012

Spring 2016

What Was New

This is an archive of the What's New posts from the Doc Writers page.

November, 2012: We have published the documentation for the first Apache CloudStack release.

September, 2012: Preparing for our first ASF documentation release, Apache CloudStack 4.0. Contributors from the open-source community are actively stepping up to assist with documentation needs.

August, 2012: We have created the documentation plan for the first Apache CloudStack release.

June, 2012: We are taking the docs into a new and better toolchain (docbook + publican). Docs forklift is underway.

April 23, 2012: New writer Radhika PC has joined our team in Bangalore.