These case studies are designed to highlight successful deployments of Apache CloudStack and to inform other users on how organizations are successfully implementing the open source infrastructure-as-a-Service platform.

PC Extreme - Netherlands

PCextreme is one of the leading Internet Service Providers in Netherlands. The company offers a wide range of ready-to-use services including web hosting, colocation, dedicated servers, domain names and managed services. As a pioneer in the affordable hosting market, PCextreme operates with a level of scale and efficiency that allows them to combine reliability with competitive prices. What
started out as a hobby for Wido den Hollander, CTO of PCextreme, quickly grew to become one of the leading hosting services providers
in the Netherlands, serving over 40,000 customers and hosting PCextreme is one of the leading Internet Service Providers in the Netherlands. The company offers a wide range of ready-to-use services including web hosting, colocation, dedicated servers, domain names and managed services. As a pioneer in the affordable hosting market, PCextreme operates with a level of scale and efficiency that allows them to combine reliability with competitive prices. What started out as a hobby for Wido den Hollander, CTO of PCextreme quickly grew to become one of the leading hosting services providers  in the Netherlands, serving over 40,000 customers and hosting 100,000 websites in two datacenters. PCextreme has deployed 120 racks of Supermicro server in those two datacenters.

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ISWest - United States

ISWest is a regional ISP based out of Agoura Hills, CA (approximately 30 miles north of Los Angeles). Started originally as a dial-up ISP, ISWest moved into the standard suite of ISP services including various forms of connectivity (DSL, T1, DS3, OC-x, Ethernet, etc) as well as ancillary services such as shared web and email hosting.
Early growth was accomplished with a focus on small and medium sized businesses in the southern California area through strategic partnerships with outsourced IT organizations and customer referrals.

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Grid'5000 - United States

Grid’5000 is a scientific instrument for the study of large scale parallel and distributed systems. It aims at providing a highly reconfigurable, controllable and monitorable experimental platform to its users. Currently, Grid5000 operates 1195 physical hosts, for a total of 8184 cores across 10 sites.

In 2003, the Grid’5000 project was launched as a project of the French ACI Grid incentive.  

Grid’5000 has now reached its objective of exploiting the computational power of over 5,000 core processors to form the only research platform of its kind. There are 19* *laboratories involved in France with the objective of providing the community a testbed, allowing experiments in all the software layers between the network protocols up to the applications.

Today, the ALADDIN-G5K initiative has been put in place by INRIA to ensure the development and day to day support of the infrastructure. 

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