The @Result annotation allows the definition of Action results in the Action class rather than an XML file.

The @Result annotation lives at the Action class level and not the method level. This matches what is found in an XML-based Action configuration. Do not be tempted to annotate your Action's methods; it will not work.

In order for @Result and @Results annotations to be configured correctly you must set the actionPackages filter init-param to a comma-separated list of packages containing the annotated Action classes. See Zero Configuration for further information; there are Action class naming conventions if you don't implement the Action interface and other tidbits there.

@Result Annotation Parameters

{float:right|width=300px} {info} See org.apache.struts2.config.Result annotation JavaDocs. {info} {float}

@Result – Defining a Single Result

Map the "success" result (explicitly named) to a Tile definition named "/".

Defining a Single Result @Result(name="success", value="/", type=TilesResult.class) public class HomeAction extends ActionSupport { // ... }

@Results – Defining Multiple Results

Defines a set of results for an Action.

Defining Multiple Results @Results({ @Result(name="success", value="/", type=TilesResult.class), @Result(name="homeError", value="/", type=TilesResult.class) }) public class HomeAction extends ActionSupport { // .... }