How do I configure endpoints?

There are a few different approaches to configuring components.

Using Java Code

You can explicitly configure a Component using Java code as shown in this example

Or you can explicitly get hold of an Endpoint and configure it using Java code as shown in the Mock endpoint examples.

SomeEndpoint endpoint = (SomeEndpoint) camelContext.getEndpoint("someURI");

Using Spring XML

You can configure your Component or Endpoint instances in your Spring XML as follows.


Which allows you to configure a component using some name (activemq in the above example), then you can refer to the component using *activemq:\[queue:\|topic:\]destinationName*. This works by the SpringCamelContext lazily fetching components from the spring context for the scheme name you use for [Endpoint] [URIs]

Using Endpoint URIs

Another approach is to use the URI syntax. The URI syntax supports the query notation. So for example with the Mail component you can configure the password property via the URI


See Also