Ambari disables HBase metrics (per region, per user and per table) by default. HBase metrics can be numerous and can cause performance issues. HBase RegionServer metrics are available by default.

If you want HBase (per region, per user and per table) metrics to be collected by Ambari, you can do the following. It is highly recommended that you test turning on this option and confirm that your AMS performance is acceptable.

Step-by-step guide

  1. On the Ambari Server, browse to:
  2. When Ambari is older than 2.7.0, on the Ambari Server, browse to:


  3. Edit the following template files: 
  4. Comment out (or remove) the following lines:
  5. Save the template files and restart Ambari Server and then HBase for the changes to take effect.

If you upgrade Ambari to a newer version, you will need to re-apply this change to the template file.

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