
conda is an easy to use and maintain software package management system. It provides a simple and painless method for installing OCW and its dependencies across a variety of platforms.

OCW Installation Instructions


Installation Information

In addition to the standard scientific python packages bundled with most anaconda installations, the following packages will be installed:

How To

Before invoking conda to install the dependencies, it's always a good idea to ensure that your version of conda is up to date. You can do this with:

conda update conda

Then to install OCW and its dependencies into your conda environment (by default in ~/anaconda or ~/miniconda), you may use:

conda install -c agoodman ocw


To give yourself some peace of mind that such a simple installation method actually works, it is recommended that you test you installation. The main OCW codebase has some simple examples which may be obtained using:

git clone

If you do not wish to directly use git, you may download and extract a copy of the code directly from our GitHub page. Once you've obtained the code, head on over to the examples and run one of them.

cd climate/examples

After the evaluation runs you should find a .png file in the examples directory. Congratulations, your install was successful!