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Download the most recent patch titled googleCheckout.patch from OFBIZ-71

Apply the patch to your development deployment.  This will create several folders and files under hot-deploy/googleCheckout 


Since we will be consuming services from Google over secure socket layer (SSL) we will need to add two certificates from google to our trusted key store, otherwise our call to Google will fail with the following error: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target 

Obtain and Compile

Andreas Sterbenz created a small program that will obtain the ssl certificate from a website and place it into keystore in the current directory.  There is probably an easier way of doing this.  This is just the first answer I came across that worked.

Obtain SSL Certificates

Export Certificates to file

Import Certificates into OFBiz Trust Store


Configurations are don in hot-deploy/googlecheckout/config/

##your merchantId - sandbox will be different than live
