ajax common headertrue



There's a bug in IE6/IE7 which makes impossible to use the target's attribute with a parent Div, because such Div's content's are overwritten with the tag's loadingText. Resulting in an "undefined" message in the content's, instead of the result of the request.

One possible alternative is to set showLoadingText="false" and set the indicator attribute to an element showing the desired loading text or image (outside the div).

xml <img id="loadingImage" src="images/loadingAnimation.gif" style="display:none"/> <s:div id="parentDiv"> <s:form action="actionName"> <s:submit id="btn" /> <sx:bind sources="btn" events="onclick" targets="parentDiv" showLoadingText="false" indicator="loadingImage"/> </s:form> </s:div>




Without attaching to an event, listening to a topic (used to make an Ajax call):


Attached to event 'onclick' on submit button:


Submit form:


Using beforeNotifyTopics:


Using afterNotifyTopics and highlight:


Using errorNotifyTopics and indicator:
