
Tez stores its History via a configurable History Logging Service. There are multiple implementations of this available as part of the Tez Framework:

The Tez UI currently only works with the YARN Timeline based stores. It will not be able to display any data for Tez DAGs that were configured to use the SimpleHistoryLoggingService. There is no current support for YARN Timeline v2 (being developed currently and potentially available in a future version of hadoop-3.x)

Tez History Data in YARN Timeline

YARN Timeline supports a notion of Entities. Entities are uniquely identified by a "Type" and an "Id". Entities can be related to other entities. Tez uses a set of Entity types:

From a relationship perspective, you can think of TaskAttempt being a child of Task, Task a child of Vertex and Vertex a child of DAG. This relationship allows for pulling down all the necessary info for a given DAG.

Tez History Data in YARN Timeline v1.5 


Securing Access to Tez History Data

Securing access to data stored in Timeline is done via Timeline ACLs. For more details, please refer to the Access Controls Guide. The SimpleHistoryLoggingService provides no such protection apart from enforcing the necessary access controls on the configured DFS location where the logs are being written to.

Tez UI



Hosting the Tez UI

Tez UI as an Ambari View