
Current stateAccepted [VOTE] KIP-93: Improve invalid timestamp handling in Kafka Streams

Discussion thread: [DISCUSS] KIP-93: Improve invalid timestamp handling in Kafka Streams



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Currently, Kafka Streams does not handle invalid (i.e., negative) timestamps returned from the TimestampExtractor gracefully, but fails with an exception, because negative timestamps cannot get handled in a meaningful way for any time based operators like window aggregates or joins.

Negative timestamp can occur for several reason.

  1. You consume a topic that is written by old Kafka producer clients (i.e., version 0.9 or earlier), which don't use the new message format, and thus meta data timestamp field defaults to -1 if the topic is configured with log.message.timestamp.type=CreateTime
  2. You consume a pre-0.10 topic after upgrading your Kafka cluster from 0.9 to 0.10: here all the data that was generated with 0.9 producers is not compatible with the 0.10 message format (and defaults to timestamp -1)
  3. You consume a topic that is being written to by a third-party producer client that allows for embedding negative timestamps (KafkaProducer does check for negative timestamp an raises an exception for this case preventing invalid timestamp in the first place) 
  4. The user provides a custom timestamp extractor that extracts a timestamp for the payload data (i.e., key-value pair), and this custom extractor might return negative timestamps.

If all records happen to have negative timestamps (case 1 and 2), this KIP does not improve the situation much. However, if only some records have negative timestamps (could happen for case 3 and 4 above), we want to improve the situation and make it easier for the user to process such topics. Right now, it is not possible to process these topics at all because the Streams application will raise an exception at some point (only a global exception handler could get registered to prevent the application to die, however, this does not solve the issue as the StreamThread dies, partitions get reassigned and the next thread hits the same issue again, until not threads are left and the application is dead).

Public Interfaces

The signature of TimestampExtractor will be changed, to give the user a way to "infer" a timestamp from the current processing progress (i.e., internally tracked stream-time) if no valid TS can be extracted from the record. 

// current interface
public interface TimestampExtractor {
    long extract(ConsumerRecord<Object, Object> record);
// new interface
public interface TimestampExtractor {
    long extract(ConsumerRecord<Object, Object> record, long previousTimestamp); // previousTimestamp provides the TS from the latest extracted valid TS for the same partition the current record belongs to

Furthermore, default implementation of ConsumerRecordTimestampExtractor is replaces and new classes will be added to provide more predefined timestamp extractors (see details below):

Proposed Changes

We want to change Streams to an auto-drop behavior for records with negative timestamps (without any further user notification about any dropped records) to enable users to "step over" those records and keep the app running (instead of running into a runtime exception, which would typically bring down the whole application instance). To guard the user from silently dropping messages by default (and to keep the current fail-fast behavior), we change the default extractor ConsumerRecordTimestampExtractor to raise an exception if the embedded 0.10 message timestamp is negative, which includes the case where there is no 0.10 timestamp embedded in the message.

Furthermore, we want to add some reference implementations of timestamp extractor for covering common use cases (incl. case 3 above):

For any other behavior, users can still provide a custom timestamp extractor implementation. As the TimestampExtractor interface will change, users cannot reuse old extractors and thus are made aware of the new behavior, thus case 4 is also covered.

Additionally, we want to add a new streams metric that reports the number of skipped record (as absolute count or percentage or both) to give the user a way to monitor if messages get skipped.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

 This is a breaking, incompatible change because TimestampExtractor interface gets changed. However, it only affect uses that provide a custom timestamp extractor. By default no code change is required and the overall behavior is the same as before this KIP (using default timestamp extractor user gets an exception in case of a negative timestamp).

Required code changes:

Test Plan

The feature can be tested via unit tests.

Rejected Alternatives