
The community agrees that the UI is a weak part of OFBiz. It cannot compete with modern user interfaces and makes it hard for web designers to make use of modern frameworks.

The UI improvement should serve some goals including:



To improve the UI in OFBiz, we want make a proof of concept that link 4 main improvements.

You can follow the evolution through

Remove theme stuff from the framework

The purpose is to have a common-theme component that contain all default templates, all library contain in the framework and used by themes.

Improve the structure of screen

The purpose is to build all screen linked to structure screen. Decorator must also build with a screen structure.

With this kind of structure, it will be easier to make any look and feel in a theme without modifying screen.

Create a new component "backoffice"

The purpose is to try to simplify OFBiz to be used by human ^^

For this new component, we have to choose witch one of the existing we can "simplified".

When the component will be choose, we 'just' simplify the actual screen (using structure of course).

Create a new theme

It's important to create a new theme that use and play with structure, that maybe use the last technology we want to try.

For a best POC, it could be interesting to have a second theme. Maybe the same as the first with new color and playing also with the structure to stress the idea.