Business Applications Overview for Developers

Target Audience

  1. Developers
  2. Business Analysts
  3. Managers

Topics Covered

  1. Top-Level Data Model Review
  2. Overview of Processes
    1. Order Component
      1. Order Process
        1. Created
          1. Triggers Authorization of Credit Card(s)
        2. All Payments Authorized or Received, or Assigned to Billing Accounts with sufficient credit or prepayment
          1. Order Accepted (or Approved if no approval workflow desired)
        3. Accepted
          1. Triggers Approval Workflow (if applicable)
        4. Approved
        5. Completed
        6. Cancelled
    2. Product Component
      1. Facility & Warehouse Management
        1. Shipment Process (incoming & outgoing)
          1. Input
          2. Scheduled
          3. Picked
          4. Packed
            1. Triggers Invoice Creation
          5. Shipped
          6. Delivered
          7. Cancelled
    3. Accounting Component
      1. Payment & Invoice Process
        1. Invoice Creation
          1. Triggers Capture of Credit Card(s) (if associated with an order that has credit card payments associated with it)
  3. Detailed Data Model Review
  4. Role Oriented Overview
    1. Customer Service
      1. Find Customer
      2. Update Customer Information
      3. Find Orders
        1. By Order Information & By Customer
        2. Order Detail Information & Available Changes
        3. Invoice & Payment Information
        4. Shipment Information
        5. Order Inventory Information
      4. Create/Authorize Returns
      5. Credits, Refunds, etc
      6. Communication Events, Notes, etc.
      7. Finding Product Information & Product Inventory Information
      8. Creating Orders
      9. Future Items: Requests, Quotes, Call Center, Scheduling, etc.
    2. Warehouse & Order Management
      1. Receive Purchase Orders & Other Shipments
      2. Receive Returns (and if necessary, Creating Returns)
      3. Inventory Transfers
      4. Physical Inventory Adjustments
      5. Stock Moves (Bulk & Pick/Primary Locations)
      6. Order Picking (Batched)
      7. Packing & Shipping
        1. Quick Ship
        2. Detailed Shipment Creation
        3. UPS Services
    3. Product Information Management
      1. Stores
      2. Catalogs
      3. Categories
      4. Features
      5. Products
        1. Stand-Alone Products
        2. Virtual & Variant Products
        3. Pricing
        4. Content
        5. Features
        6. Attributes
        7. Inventory, Facilities, Locations
        8. GL Accounts
      6. Promotions
      7. Price Rules
    4. Content Management
      1. Creating, Finding and Managing Data Resources
      2. Adding Organization & Structure with Content
      3. Creating a Blog and Setting up Permissions for it
      4. Linking to Content in a Webapp
  5. Applications Reference -- This is being maintained in separate documents and will be available on the documentation site.