Release Dates

These dates are goals and subject to change, but we expect to stay on the Time Based Release Plan unless unexpected critical issues come up. While the target release date is fixed at ~2w after code freeze, RCs will roll out as needed until the release vote passes.

The release manager is Damian Guy.

Release Features

This is a list of key features/improvements/bugfixes that we can include with release notes (WIP):

How to Contribute

Before code freeze:

After code freeze:

Open Issues

Also feel free to refer to this release page for more details of the included tickets.


Planned KIP Content

Note: The planned content is not binding - final content will be based the features committed by branch-cutting date. See Kafka Improvement Proposals for the full list of KIPs.

KIP-86: Configurable SASL callback handlersBrokerRajini Sivaram
KIP-145 - Expose Record Headers in Kafka ConnectConnectEwen Cheslack-Postava
KIP-149: Enabling key access in ValueTransformer, ValueMapper, and ValueJoiner

StreamsGuozhang Wang

KIP-171 - Extend Consumer Group Reset Offset for Stream Application

StreamsGuozhang Wang
KIP-203: Add toLowerCase support to rule SecurityJason Gustafson
KIP-204 : Adding records deletion operation to the new Admin Client APIAdmin ClientGuozhang Wang
KIP-205: Add all() and range() API to ReadOnlyWindowStoreStreamsGuozhang Wang
KIP-208: Add SSL support to Kafka Connect REST interfaceConnectEwen Cheslack-Postava
KIP-210 - Provide for custom error handling when Kafka Streams fails to produceStreamsDamian Guy
KIP-212: Enforce set of legal characters for connector namesConnectEwen Cheslack-Postava
KIP-214: Add config to the brokerBrokerJiangjie Qin
KIP-215: Add topic regex support for Connect sinksConnectEwen Cheslack-Postava
KIP-218: Make KafkaFuture.Function java 8 lambda compatibleClientEwen Cheslack-Postava
KIP-220: Add AdminClient into Kafka Streams' ClientSupplierStreamsGuozhang Wang
KIP-223 - Add per-topic min lead and per-partition lead metrics to KafkaConsumerClientJun Rao

KIP-224: Add configuration parameter `retries` to Streams API

StreamsGuozhang Wang
KIP-225 - Use tags for consumer “records.lag” metricsClientJiangjie Qin
KIP-226 - Dynamic Broker ConfigurationBrokerRajini Sivaram
KIP-227 - Introduce Incremental FetchRequests to Increase Partition ScalabilityBrokerJun Rao
KIP-229: DeleteGroups APIMultipleJason Gustafson

KIP-233: Simplify StreamsBuilder#addGlobalStore

StreamsMatthias J. Sax
KIP-237: More Controller Health MetricsBrokerIsmael Juma
KIP-238: Expose Kafka cluster ID in Connect REST APIConnectJason Gustafson
KIP-239 Add queryableStoreName() to GlobalKTableStreamsGuozhang Wang
KIP-243: Make ProducerConfig and ConsumerConfig constructors publicClientMatthias J. Sax

KIP-247: Add public test utils for Kafka Streams

StreamsGuozhang Wang

Postponed to subsequent release

KIP-48: Delegation token support for KafkaBroker 
KIP-91 Provide Intuitive User Timeouts in The Producer

KIP-149: Enabling key access in ValueTransformer, ValueMapper, and ValueJoiner

(only partially implemented in 1.1.0)

KIP-183 - Change PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionCommand to use AdminClientMultipleIsmael Juma
KIP-150 - Kafka-Streams CogroupStreams ?
KIP-245: Use Properties instead of StreamsConfig in KafkaStreams constructorStreams?