(original simplified proposal is here.)

This memo describes a proposed feature for expressing data layering of pre/post processing operations.

The term "layer" refers to a data stream, but encompasses the notion that the data stream may not be the original source/target of data, but rather can be computed (when parsing) via a transformation on the data. This is called a layering transformation as one data stream is a layer of interpretation on top of a lower level data stream. Layers can generalize to any depth. As with the term "stream", a "layer" does not connote a direction. For parsing one uses an input data layer, for unparsing an output data layer.

For some DFDL purposes, it does not matter whether the underlying data is an original data stream, or a data stream created by way of a layering transformation. In that case we may refer to "the data stream" meaning either the underlying raw data stream, or a data stream created by way of a layered transformation.

Where we must distinguish beween layers, we will use the terms "underlying layer" and "overlying layer" to distinguish the levels.

Most of the discussion here will use parsing as context, but where the unparsing is not clearly symmetric, unparsing will also be described.

New DFDL schema annotations are shown in the "daf:" namespace so as to be clear what are DFDL standard, and what the new proposed extensions are. Our hope would be that these extensions will be suitable for inclusion in a revision of the DFDL standard. (E.g., DFDL v2.0).

The Layering Properties

The following properties are added to dfdl:sequence (with corresponding short forms)

The initial transform names and their supported layerLengthKinds are:

Transform names are very specific. They identify not a general class of transformations, but the specifics of the algorithm. For example base64_MIME is the style of base64 encoding/decode used for MIME attachments in Internet messages. It includes limiting the length of lines in the encoded representation to 75 long.

The dfdl:lengthKind 'implicit' means that the transform algorithm itself determines when the encoded data ends. The other length kinds are accompanied by properties allowing isolation of the data that is to be transformed (for parsing).

Note that there is no layerEscapeSchemeRef property - escaping is assumed to not be required by the layering transformation algorithms, or any such behavior would be built-in to the transformation algorithm.

These properties obey all the usual scoping rules. They can appear on dfdl:format annotations so as to be part of named format definitions or even put into lexical scope over a schema file.

The meaning of the values of these properties, and any constraints on those values, are essentially specified by the layer transform algorithm. For example: for layerLengthKind 'boundaryMark' and the base64 layer transform, we expect that the layerBoundaryMark must be a string, and this string has constraints beyond those we see in the the regular dfdl:terminator property. In particular for base64, we expect that layerBoundaryMark cannot contain DFDL character entities of any kind. This makes it impossible, for example, for a base64 'boundaryMark' layer to be bounded by a string containing ASCII NUL (character code 0), as there is no way to express this without use of DFDL character entities. These limitations must be enforced by the algorithms themselves.

To show these new annotations at work, a named format that specifies a layering is created via

<daf:defineFormat name="base64Format" >
    <dfdl:format layerTransform="base64_MIME" layerLengthKind="boundaryMark" />

These properties are only relevant to xs:sequence constructs, and so a dfdl:ref to a named format using these layer properties is only sensible from a dfdl:sequence or on an xs:sequence.

An xs:sequence where the layerTransform property is defined and non-empty string, is said to be a layered sequence.

Some restrictions apply:

Layer transforms apply to the SequenceContent grammar region per DFDL Spec Section 9.2.

A layered sequence has a mandatory layer alignment (analogous to mandatory text alignment). This is 1 byte for all currently specified layer transforms; in the future this may change.

A layered sequence has a mandatory length unit. This is 1 byte for all currently specified layer transforms; in the future this may change.

If the length of a layered sequence is needed, for example to store the length of the transformed representation using dfdl:outputValueCalc, then the layered sequence must be enclosed in an element, and the dfdl:contentLength(...) of that element provides the length of the transformed content.

Data Layers as Streams

A data layer is conceptually a stream of bytes. It can be an input layer for parsing, an output layer for unparsing.
Use of the term "stream" here is consistent with java's use of stream as in java.io.InputStream and java.io.OutputStream. These are sources and sinks of bytes. If one wants to decode characters from them you must do so by specifying the encoding explicitly.

A layer transform is a transformation that creates one layer of bytes from another. An underlying layer is encapsulated by a transformation to create an overlying layer.

When parsing, reading from the overlying layer causes reading of data from the underlying layer, which data is then transformed and becomes the bytes of the overlying layer returned from the read.

The layer properties apply to the underlying layer data and indicate how to identify its bounds/length, and if a layer transform is textual, what encoding is used to interpret the underlying bytes.

Some transformations are naturally binary bytes to bytes. Data decompress/compress are the typical example here. When parsing, the overlying layer's bytes are the result of decompression of the underlying layer's bytes.

If a transform requires text, then a dfdl:format encoding must be defined. For example, base64 is a transform that creates bytes from text. Hence, a layer encoding is needed to convert the underlying layer of bytes into text, then the base64 decoding occurs on that text, which produces the bytes of the overlying layer.

We think of some transforms as text-to-text. Line folding/unfolding is one such. Lines of text that are too long are wrapped by inserting a line-ending and either a space or tab. As a DFDL layer transform this line folding transform requires an encoding. The underlying bytes are decoded into characters according to the encoding. Those characters are divided into lines, and the line unfolding (for parsing) is done to create longer lines of data, the resulting data is then encoded from characters back into bytes using the same encoding.

(There may be opportunities to optimize/shortcut these transformations if the overlying layer is the data layer for an element with scannable text representation using the same character set encoding. The recoversion back to bytes, only to have to then decode bytes to characters of the same encoding again is overhead that can be avoided.)

DFDL can describe a mixture of character set decoding/encoding and binary value parsing/unparsing against the same underlying data representation; hence, the underlying data layer concept is always one of bytes.

(Note: bytes suffices even for mil-std-2045 which can hold a compressed VMF payload. This payload element is always byte aligned even in mil-std-2045, a very bit-oriented format. As of this writing we have no examples of layer transforms that require bit granularity; hence, this is a byte-oriented proposal.)

Daffodil parsing begins with a default standard data input stream. Unparsing begins with a default standard output stream. These are the ultimate underlying layer.

When parsing, left-over data is possible. The decoded layer data may contain extra data that is not consumed by the parse. It is a Parse Error if there is not enough data. Excess data is skipped/ignored. 

When unparsing, extra data may have to be created (padding/filling) to satisfy the layer unparsing algorithm. The DFDL schema for the xs:sequence content must create this padded/filled extra data. It is an Unparse Error if the data created when unparsing that is provided to the layer transform encoding algorithm does not satisfy its length requirements.

Examples using Data Layering

When a DFDL schema wants to describe say, gzip encoding, then the DFDL annotations might look like this:

<annotation><appinfo source="http://www.ogf.org/dfdl/">
  <dfdl:defineFormat name="compressed">
    <dfdl:format layerTransform="gzip" layerLengthKind="explicit" />

<sequence dfdl:ref="tns:compressed">
  <group ref="tns:compressedGroupContents" dfdl:layerLength="{...}" />

The above annotation means: when parsing this sequence, take whatever data layer is in effect, layer a gzip data layer on it, and use that until the end of the gzipped data - in this case until the length expressed in the layerLength expression is reached.

If we need to determine or verify the length of the layered data, then we must encapsulate the layered sequence in an element so that a path expression can refer to it.

<annotation><appinfo source="http://www.ogf.org/dfdl/">
    <dfdl:defineFormat name="compressed">
      <dfdl:format ref="ex:general" layerTransform="gzip" layerLengthKind="explicit" layerLengthUnits="bytes" />
    <dfdl:format ref="ex:general" />

          <xs:element name="compressedPayloadLength" type="xs:int" dfdl:representation="binary"
            dfdl:outputValueCalc='{ dfdl:contentLength(../compressedPayload, "bytes") }' />

          <xs:element name="compressedPayload">
              <xs:sequence dfdl:ref="tns:compressed" dfdl:layerLength="{ ../compressedPayloadLength }">
                <xs:group ref="tns:compressedGroupContents" />

              <xs:appinfo source="http://www.ogf.org/dfdl/">
                <dfdl:assert>{ compressedPayloadLength eq dfdl:contentLength(compressedPayload, "bytes") }</dfdl:assert>
          <xs:element name="after" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited" />

The above illustrates how one obtains length information for layered sequences.  The compressed sequence is the complex type model group of the compressedPayload element. The compressedPayloadLength element uses dfdl:outputValueCalc to determine the content length of the compressedPayload element, so that it can be stored when unparsing, and the assertion after the compressedPayload element verifies (when parsing) that the length matches what was stored.

The APIs for defining the gzip, base64, or other transformers enable one to do these transformations in a streaming manner, on demand as data is pulled from the resulting data stream of bytes. Of course it is possible to just convert the entire data object, but we want to enable streaming behavior in case stream-encoded objects are large and an implementation wants to optimize this case.

Let's look at an example of two interacting data layer transforms.

<dfdl:defineFormat name="foldedLines">
  <dfdl:format layerTransform="lineFolded_IMF" dfdl:layerLengthKind="boundaryMark"/>

<dfdl:defineFormat name="base64">
  <dfdl:format layerTransform="base64_MIME" layerEncoding="us-ascii" layerLengthKind="boundaryMark" layerBoundaryMark='{ ./marker }'/>
  <!-- note expression above is ./marker, not ../marker -->

 <xs:sequence dfdl:ref="tns:foldedLines">
     ... presumably everything here is textual, and utf-8. FoldedLines only applies sensibly to text.
     <xs:element name="marker" type="xs:string" .../>
     <xs:sequence dfdl:ref="tns:base64">
          ... everything here is parsed against the bytes obtained from base64 decoding
          ... which is itself decoding the output of the foldedLines transform
          ... above. Base64 requires only us-ascii, which is a subset of utf-8.
        </xs:sequence><!-- end base64 data -->
      </xs:sequence><!-- end base64 sequence e.g., framing, aligning -->
   </xs:sequence><!-- end of foldedLines data-->
 </xs:sequence><!-- end foldedLines sequence e.g., framing, aligning -->

VCalendar Example

Consider this VCALENDAR Data:

LOCATION:test location
 Text that will require line folding: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte=
 tur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore=
 magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco=
 laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor i=
 n reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla par=
 iatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui =
 officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.=0D=0A=0D=0A =0D=0A=0D=0A=0D==
SUMMARY:test subject

We want to create a schema that describes this.

In the above there are two behaviors that require use of stream transforms. First is the UID. This has been broken to a maximum line length of 76 characters by way of the folded-lines transformation.

The second is the DESCRIPTION which uses a transformation called QUOTED-PRINTABLE which both achieves short line lengths, and also enables embedding of CR, LF, and other characters at the ends of lines.

The result is that we want this XML Infoset:

  <ProdID>-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 15.0 MIMEDIR//EN</ProdID>
    <Location>test location</Location>
 <Value>Text that will require line folding: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut 
labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud 
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum 
dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non 
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est 
    <Summary>test subject</Summary>

Notice the CRLFs at the end. The CRs are represented as remapped to Private-Use-Area(PUA) E00D entities.

The DFDL schema for this, including the specification of the layering transform behaviors.

<xs:schema ....>

 <dfdl:format separatorPosition="infix" lengthKind="boundaryMark" encoding="utf-8"
  occursCountKind="parsed" separator="" sequenceKind="ordered"

 <dfdl:defineFormat name="folded">
  <dfdl:format layerTransform="foldedLines" layerLengthKind="boundaryMark" layerEncoding="us-ascii"/>
  <!-- boundaryMark here means to enclosing end-of-data, as no boundary mark delimiter is defined. -->

<dfdl:defineFormat name="qp">
  <dfdl:format layerTransform="quotedPrintable" layerLengthKind="pattern"
 <!-- QPs are terminated by a newline that is not preceded by an =. 
      This final newline is not consumed as part of the content. -->
 <!-- Alternatively, the QP transform itself can determine the length 
      by searching for this final newline (but leaving it there).
      In which case the lengthKind would be "implicit" -->

 <xs:element name="VCalendar" dfdl:initiator="BEGIN:VCALENDAR%NL;" dfdl:terminator="END:VCALENDAR%NL; END:VCALENDAR">
    <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="%NL;" dfdl:sequenceKind="unordered">
      <xs:sequence dfdl:ref="tns:folded">
         <xs:element name="ProdID" type="xs:string" dfdl:initiator="PRODID:" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="Version" type="xs:string" dfdl:initiator="VERSION:" minOccurs="0" />
      <xs:element name="VEvent" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" dfdl:occursCountKind="parsed"
        dfdl:initiator="BEGIN:VEVENT%NL;" dfdl:terminator="END:VEVENT">
          <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="%NL;" dfdl:sequenceKind="unordered">
            <xs:element name="DTStart" type="xs:string" dfdl:initiator="DTSTART:" />
            <xs:element name="DTEnd" type="xs:string" dfdl:initiator="DTEND:" />
              content from here could have long lines, so must be folded 
            <xs:sequence dfdl:ref="tns:folded">
              <xs:element name="Location" type="xs:string" dfdl:initiator="LOCATION:" minOccurs="0"/>
              <xs:element name="UID" type="xs:string" dfdl:initiator="UID:" minOccurs="0"/>
              <xs:element name="Description" dfdl:initiator="DESCRIPTION:" minOccurs="0">
                   <xs:element name="Encoding" type="xs:string" 
                               dfdl:initiator="ENCODING=" dfdl:terminator=":" minOccurs="0" />
                     <xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{ if (fn:exists(./Encoding)) then ./Encoding else '' }">
                         we inspect the value of the Encoding element and decide what branch of the choice
                         based on it 
                       <xs:sequence dfdl:choiceBranchKey="QUOTED-PRINTABLE">
                         dfdl:separator="" dfdl:sequenceKind="unordered">
                          Each branch starts with a distinct dummy element to satisfy the UPA rules of XML Schema
                         <xs:element name="QP" type="xs:string" dfdl:inputValueCalc="{ '' }" />
                          Here notice tha tthe layerRef for the qp data is scoped to just this inner element.
                         <xs:sequence dfdl:ref="tns:qp">
                           <xs:element name="Value" type="xs:string"/>
                         </xs:sequence><!-- end layer quoted printable -->
                          repeat the above pattern for the choice branches for the various encodings 
              <xs:element name="Summary" type="xs:string"  dfdl:initiator="SUMMARY:" minOccurs="0"/>
              <xs:element name="Priority" type="xs:string" dfdl:initiator="PRIORITY:" minOccurs="0" />
      </xs:sequence><!-- end folded layer -->

Example of Multi-layer Transformation

Here's some CSV data


Here's that data gzipped, then base64 encoded.


The schema that describes the CSV data without the stream transforms is this:

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fn="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions"
  xmlns:dfdl="http://www.ogf.org/dfdl/dfdl-1.0/" xmlns:ex="http://example.com"
  targetNamespace="http://example.com" elementFormDefault="unqualified">

  <xs:include schemaLocation="built-in-formats.xsd" />

    <xs:appinfo source="http://www.ogf.org/dfdl/">
      <dfdl:format ref="ex:daffodilTest1" separator="" initiator=""
        terminator="" leadingSkip='0' textTrimKind="none" initiatedContent="no"
        alignment="implicit" alignmentUnits="bits" trailingSkip="0" ignoreCase="no"
        separatorPosition="infix" occursCountKind="implicit"
        emptyValueDelimiterPolicy="both" representation="text" textNumberRep="standard"
        lengthKind="boundaryMark" encoding="ASCII" />

    <xs:element name="file" type="ex:fileType"/>

    <!-- broke this up to provide some resuable types and groups here -->

    <xs:complexType name="fileType">
      <xs:group ref="ex:fileTypeGroup"/>

    <xs:group name="fileTypeGroup">
      <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="%NL;" dfdl:separatorPosition="postfix">
        <xs:element name="header" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
            <xs:sequence dfdl:separator=",">
              <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
        <xs:element name="record" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:sequence dfdl:separator=",">
              <xs:element name="item" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded"
                dfdl:occursCount="{ fn:count(../../header/title) }"
                dfdl:occursCountKind="expression" />


We can annotate this schema with additional stream transform information to enable it to describe the base64 encoded, compressed data.

One easy way to do this is by modifying the complex type definition for fileType to this:

<xs:complexType name="fileType">
  <xs:sequence dfdl:ref="ex:base64">
    <xs:sequence dfdl:ref="ex:gzip">
      <xs:group ref="ex:fileTypeGroup"/>

Along with that we need the definitions of these named stream formats:

<dfdl:defineFormat name="base64">
   <dfdl:format layerTransform="base64" layerLengthKind="implicit" />

<dfdl:defineFormat name="gzip">
   <dfdl:format layerTransform="gzip" layerLengthKind="implicit"/>

These transforms, with lengthKind implicit, are assumed to behave as "self-delimiting" meaning they know how much data to consume.

The gzip transform must consume every byte produced by the base64 transform - that is, when the gzip transform is finished, it must check that no more data can be pulled from the base64 transform. The actual parsing of data is consuming data from the gzip transform, and when that has finished parsing, it must insure all data has been pulled from the gzip stream.

The implementation is a bunch of front end property and annotation stuff, but ultimately the runtime is a combinator for parse which at its start puts in place the stream transform, and uses this transformed stream for all the "body" and sub parse/unparse activity. At the exit of this combinator the stream transform is removed and shutdown/error-checking occurs (for left-over data among other things). Presumably these combinators interact only with the I/O layer, not the infoset. These combinators would "stack" naturally providing the right behavior when multiple transforms are layered on top of each other.

For unparsing, it is not so simple, due to the need for suspensions to support dfdl:outputValueCalc - unparsing doesn't work via the basic combinator model we see when parsing.


Open design issues