Apache CXF: An Open Source Service Framework


Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps you build and develop services using frontend programming APIs, like JAX-WS. These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP, XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of transports such as HTTP, JMS or JBI.

CXF includes a broad feature set, but it is primarily focused on the following areas:

  • Web Services Standards Support: CXF supports a variety of web service standards including SOAP, the Basic Profile, WSDL, WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, WS-ReliableMessaging, and WS-Security.
  • Frontends: CXF supports a variety of "frontend" programming models. CXF implements the JAX-WS APIs (version 2.0 will be TCK compliant). It also includes a "simple frontend" which allows creation of clients and endpoints without annotations. CXF supports both contract first development with WSDL and code first development starting from Java.
  • Ease of use: CXF is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. There are simple APIs to quickly build code-first services, Maven plug-ins to make tooling integration easy, JAX-WS API support, Spring 2.0 XML support to make configuration a snap, and much more.
  • Binary and Legacy Protocol Support: CXF has been designed to provide a pluggable architecture that supports not only XML but also non-XML type bindings, such as JSON and CORBA, in combination with any type of transport.

To get started using CXF, check out the downloads, the user's guide, or the mailing lists to get more information!

JavaOne Meetup 2008

Come meet with the folks behind Apache ActiveMQ, Camel, CXF and ServiceMix at JavaOne!

Please join us for an evening of food, drinks, conversation and open source antics at the Zebulon Cafe - (Google Map) in San Francisco on Monday, May 5, 2008 from 6-9PM. Some of the Apache committers behind these dynamic projects that will be there include Dan Kulp, Hiram Chirino, Guillaume Nodet, Rob Davies, Chris Custine and Bruce Snyder. ActiveMQ and Camel are each readying the next releases, CXF just graduated from the Incubator and the shiny, new ServiceMix 4.0 release is right around the corner. A big thanks to IONA Technologies for sponsoring this event. We hope to see you there!

In an attempt to help predict the head count, please add your name to the registration page.




Support for Standards

Multiple Transports, Bindings, Data Bindings, and Formats

Flexible Deployment

Support for Multiple Programming Languages

Code Generation

Getting Involved

Apache CXF is currently under heavy development. To get involved you can subscribe to the mailing lists. You can also grab the code from the Source Repository. You also need to read about Building CXF. For Eclipse users, you should read about Setting up Eclipse.