Apache Buildr is a Ruby-based build system for Java-based applications, including support for Scala, Groovy and a growing number of JVM languages and tools.

Our last release (v1.4.25) happened on April 4th, 2016.

Development and community activity remains low, with only a handful of emails and Jira updates on average every month (due to low activity, activity tend to be "bursty" around releases). Our last committer/PMC change happened in October 2013.

As reported in March, I (Alex Boisvert) have been thinking about stepping down as PMC Chair for the Buildr project.  Following discussion, we have determined Peter Donald is the best candidate replacement, being the most active & sustained committer for the last few years.   Next step is to vote on this and send the board a resolution. 

Otherwise, we have no issues that require board attention

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