Connecting to ApacheDS with Apache Directory Studio

This sections describes how to connect to ApacheDS with Apache Directory Studio. Apache Directory Studio is an Apached Directory subproject and is an Eclipse RCP based LDAP Client Application.

Connect to Apache DS

After starting up LDAP studio open the LDAP Browser perspective.

In order to connect to our sample directory server, open the New Connection wizard. This can be done by invoking the corrensponding action in the Connections view (see screen above).

The wizard appears (screenshot above). It provides input fields for a connection name, hostname and port. Click Next to continue.

On the authentication page (screenshot above) you provide credentials for the user to connect. Because currently no user is imported to your directory, you have to use the administrator to authenticate. Enter the DN of this user "uid=admin,ou=system" and the corresponding password. Click Next to continue.


Using this configuration with a so called "simple bind" causes Apache Directory Studio to send the credentials (User DN, password) unencrypted to the server.

On the options page (screenshot above) please enter the base DN for the "o=sevenSeas" partition. Pressing the Finish button causes to connect to the server.

Import sample data

In order to load the sample data to ApacheDS with Apache Directory Studio, you have to connect to the server first. Use uid=admin,ou=system to connect (you need write access).

After you successfully connected to your server, use the context menu in the LDAP Browser view and select Import | LDIF Import... to start the import wizard.

The wizard appears (screenshot above). Use the Browse... button to open a file dialog and select the file with the sample data. Press the Finish button. Apache Directory Studio reads the LDIF file and performs some LDAP add operations against your server in order to create the entries within the sample partition. After a successfull import, you can immediatly browse the directory and see the imported entries:


Apache Directory Studio Documentation

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