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This page documents the Apache DS installers. It explains what kind of installers are available, their internal structures and how to generate them.

Installers Architectures

As of march 2008, we currently have the following set of installers for Apache DS:

  • A Windows executable installer (.exe)
  • A Linux RPM installer (.rpm)
  • A Linux DEB installer (.deb)
  • A Linux BIN installer (.bin)
  • A Mac OS X PKG installer (.pkg)

Default Apache DS server files layout

Every installer uses almost the same Apache DS server layout.

This layout consists in an organized set of files and directory which looks like this:

The bin directory contains the Apache DS binaries:

  • apacheds (or apacheds.exe on Windows) is the specific Tanuki wrapper for the target OS & Architecture
  • apacheds-tools.jar is a java utility jar contains the Apache DS tools that can be used to send various requests to the server.

The conf directory contains the Apache DS configuration files:

  • apacheds.conf is the wrapper configuration (defines the JVM and classpath to use, memory usage, etc.)
  • is the default logging properties
  • server.xml is the server configuration file (defines the protocols, partitions, interceptors, etc.)

The lib directory contains the various libraries used by Apache DS (including the Tanuki wrapper libraries)

The var directory contains three sub-directories (********************.ASK FOR INFORMATION ON WHAT THESE DIRECTORIES ARE FOR.********************)

  • log
  • partitions
  • run

Windows executable installer

The Windows executable installer is built using NSIS (, an open source system to create Windows installers.
The installer can, of course, be generated a Windows system but also on a Linux or Mac OS X system (for these two systems, a preliminary step is to compile the makensis command line utility that will be used to generate the installer).

Installer Generation layout

To generate the installer, a directory is created containing the server files. This is the default Apache DS server files layout, shared by almost every installer.
Here's the layout this directory:

Additional files such as the instances specific files (apacheds.conf,, server.xml) or the example ldif file (for loading example data into the default instance) are bundled into the installer and copied to their final location during the installation process.

Installation layout

Once the installer is generated, here's what it looks:
********************.ADD (A) SCREENSHOT(S) OF THE INSTALLER.********************

The installer installs the following files on the target system:

  • Server files are installed at C:\\Program Files\Apache Directory Server
  • Instances files are installed at C:\\Program Files\Apache Directory Server\instances

Linux RPM installer

Installer Generation layout

********************.ADD SOME TEXT.********************

Installation layout

********************.ADD SOME TEXT.********************

Linux Deb installer

Linux Bin installer

Mac OS X installer

Installers Projects Architecture

Generating Installers

  • No labels