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Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo -- Version 2.1.2

Geronimo URLs
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Bug Tracking:

Please see for the
latest documentation on this release.

System Requirements
You need a platform that supports the Sun JDK 5.0+ (J2SE 1.5.0+) or greater.

Most testing has been done on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.

Geronimo 2.1 Enhancements

Custom server assemblies
- Lightweight server assemblies may be created that contain only the functional 
  components required by your application(s).

Flexible admin console
- The admin console is now component-based to mirror the server capabilities. 
  This allows the admin console to provide flexible administrative capabilities 
  that will mirrors the capabilities of a custom server assembly.

- GShell is a command-line processing environment that can be used for the execution
  of Geronimo commands. GShell is an extensible environment and includes support
  for editing, command history, and tab completion. 

Clustering Support
- WADI can now be used to support clustering of web applications for Geronimo configurations 
  which use the Tomcat Web Container (WADI support for Jetty was in previous releases). 
- Applications can be deployed to administratively-defined groups of Geronimo servers

Monitoring Console Plugin
- The monitoring console plugin provides monitoring support in the Geronimo admin console. 
  The monitoring console can gather statistics and performance data from multiple Geronimo 
  servers and graphically display this data to users.

Plan Creator
- Plan Creator is a new portlet added to admin console to simplify the creation of Geronimo 
  specific deployment plans. Given a web application archive (war), Plan Creator walks the user 
  through a sequence of steps and generates geronimo-web.xml automatically.

Geronimo 2.1.2 Issues Resolved

** Bug
    * [GERONIMO-3503] - DBPool wizzard creates plans only for local-transactions
    * [GERONIMO-3562] - customizable navigator icons for admin console extensions
    * [GERONIMO-3700] - alias command fails
    * [GERONIMO-3858] - start-server.bat fails to start server if there is a space in the path
    * [GERONIMO-3864] - Security warning about installation a certificate from a CA claiming to represent: Me
    * [GERONIMO-3930] - IllegalArgumentException reading Transaction Log
    * [GERONIMO-3931] - Unable to delete a datasource from administrative console
    * [GERONIMO-3944] - Web plan schema munging reordering elements wrong
    * [GERONIMO-3965] - Custom LoginModule uses wrong classloader
    * [GERONIMO-3966] - Spaces in server installation directory causes deployment problems when using JMX to deploy
    * [GERONIMO-3970] - Fail to delploy a web application to a WADI cluster
    * [GERONIMO-3971] - Error message during assembling a server
    * [GERONIMO-3972] - Monitering Graphics failed to represent in IE 6 SP2
    * [GERONIMO-3973] - Fail to assemble a server via gsh when Geronimo is installed in a directory with white space
    * [GERONIMO-3974] - Shutdown exceptions on IBM JVM
    * [GERONIMO-3975] - PlanCreator fails to deploy an application when Geronimo is installed into a directory with white space
    * [GERONIMO-3976] - Exceptions are thrown in Geronimo launch console when clicking "Console Navigation --> Debug Views --> JNDI Viewer"
    * [GERONIMO-3981] - Fail to relaunch Geronimo after deploying an application to WADI cluster
    * [GERONIMO-3982] - WADI cluster fails to distribute the installed application to all the nodes in the same cluster
    * [GERONIMO-3984] - Keystores portlet - Unlock keystore page shows wrong label on submit button
    * [GERONIMO-3990] - CORBA application client fails to login to the server
    * [GERONIMO-3991] - Can not undeploy an application deployed in a WADI cluster via Admin Console
    * [GERONIMO-3993] - Server fails to relaunch after deploying an application to a WADI cluster
    * [GERONIMO-3994] - GShell command remote-control/server-control can not control the remote server
    * [GERONIMO-3995] - Can not export a plugin via Admin Console in IE 6 SP2
    * [GERONIMO-3999] - Cannot remote deploy a plugin through deploy.bat|.sh
    * [GERONIMO-4001] - Cannot remote deploy a sample thru gshell deploy/deploy command
    * [GERONIMO-4003] - Can not deploy DayTrader two times because of EJB name confliction
    * [GERONIMO-4006] - Deployment of EJB-based JAX-WS web service with WebServiceContext injection fails
    * [GERONIMO-4008] - HTTP GET requests on Provider endpoints might fail sometimes with Axis2
    * [GERONIMO-4009] - HTML errors and warnings in calculator-stateless-pojo sample .jsp file
    * [GERONIMO-4016] - The exception of failing to start client is not recorded in client.log
    * [GERONIMO-4017] - Include PLUTO-485 to handle question marks in our portlet URIs
    * [GERONIMO-4020] - ResourceBinding doesn't actually override preprocessValue
    * [GERONIMO-4024] - Accessibility issue: missing image alt tags and no skip to main content support
    * [GERONIMO-4036] - Warning message after running gsh geronimo/stop-server
    * [GERONIMO-4072] - Fail to offline deploy an application because of the dependency to rmi-naming
    * [GERONIMO-4082] - <hidden-classes> ignored for certain classes that are loaded by system class loader
    * [GERONIMO-4086] - sharelib plugin does not include or create shared/lib or shared/classes directories
    * [GERONIMO-4088] - Make it more obvious and document how to set the tmId so you can use more than one geronimo server with a distributed transaction.
    * [GERONIMO-4090] - non-overridable-classes in an environment are ignored in that configuration, only used for children
    * [GERONIMO-4093] - gsh scripts are not using setjavaenv or optional setenv script
    * [GERONIMO-4094] - Tomcat APR connector didn't load the native library
    * [GERONIMO-4095] - Run SQL portlet doesn't work in a non-English browser
    * [GERONIMO-4098] - Disable rsh/rshd gshell commands
    * [GERONIMO-4099] - Calling isUserInRole wipes out run-as info
    * [GERONIMO-4100] - Allow users to use jaxws-tools.bat/sh when SUN SAAJ impl is not provided in the assembly
    * [GERONIMO-4103] - Fail to Restart APR HTTP Connector
    * [GERONIMO-4104] - Tomcat logging is broken
    * [GERONIMO-4110] - NPE upon deployment of unrecognized xml file (seam-gen based application)
    * [GERONIMO-4111] - Plugin installation works with search-plugins command but fails with install-plugin command
    * [GERONIMO-4113] - Cannot deploy context specific Valve GBeans on Tomcat
    * [GERONIMO-4114] - newly created APR HTTPS connector failed to start
    * [GERONIMO-4116] - Upgrade from DWR 2.0.1 to 2.0.3
    * [GERONIMO-4119] - request.isUserInRole("some-role") always return false after @EJB injection
    * [GERONIMO-4123] - Some License/Notice file updates
    * [GERONIMO-4131] - Problems with WebSphere MQ RA deployment
    * [GERONIMO-4166] - EAR missing dependency on j2ee-security breaks Server Console
    * [GERONIMO-4169] - JAX-WS web services not discovered with partial web.xml file
    * [GERONIMO-4175] - dojo v1.0.2 dijit/demos/i18n directory contains wikipedia content
    * [GERONIMO-4177] - uses incorrect hardcoded tomcat class
    * [GERONIMO-4182] - Artifact aliases are not honored when deploying a plugin that has a dependency on another plugin with an alias
    * [GERONIMO-4185] - Cannot deployed WADI clustered Jetty and Tomcat Web applications within an EAR
    * [GERONIMO-4188] - View Server portlet runs in unhandled exception if the statistics bean is not available
    * [GERONIMO-4194] - jsp sample view source links are broken
    * [GERONIMO-4201] - Accessing admin console portlets that use DWR after restart giving error
    * [GERONIMO-4205] - unable to build samples on windows platoform due to Filename too long
    * [GERONIMO-4208] - Eliminate individual sample references from Geronimo Welcome Page
    * [GERONIMO-4209] - Geronimo does not start on SAP JVM

** Improvement
    * [GERONIMO-3408] - Clean up deployer login code in ServerConnection
    * [GERONIMO-3651] - gshell should make it dead simple to run geronimo with remote debugging
    * [GERONIMO-3848] - geronimo:deploy-module prints out Using non-artifact based plan: null when no plan is specified
    * [GERONIMO-3963] - Remote deployment using the --inPlace option
    * [GERONIMO-3992] - Switch to a Pluto 1.1.6 based patch build
    * [GERONIMO-4012] - Rework GShell integration and remove gshell-embeddable
    * [GERONIMO-4031] - Upgrade to MyFaces 1.2.3 release
    * [GERONIMO-4035] - Upgrade cxf to 2.0.6, may fix new testsuite errors
    * [GERONIMO-4074] - Testsuite for commands
    * [GERONIMO-4085] - Change tomcat version to 6.0.16
    * [GERONIMO-4087] - Improve usability of gshell commands deploy/* when failing to connect to server
    * [GERONIMO-4139] - Add a comment to to indicate its usage
    * [GERONIMO-4145] - Additional Admin Console navigational icons
    * [GERONIMO-4148] - Add OS info to the Server Information portlet
    * [GERONIMO-4149] - Minor updates to commands-testsuite
    * [GERONIMO-4152] - Add a way to show/hide parent and child components of modules in the console
    * [GERONIMO-4191] - give users a better message when context-root is not unique
    * [GERONIMO-4207] - Provide a LoginModule which can be used to add user or group principals via configuration
    * [GERONIMO-4211] - Upgrade wsdl4j to 1.6.2 version

** New Feature
    * [GERONIMO-2814] - Add a second repository to Geronimo
    * [GERONIMO-3665] - Create ghell commands for wsgen and wsimport tools
    * [GERONIMO-3876] - Allow configuring JMX over SSL
    * [GERONIMO-4115] - Add wait-for-server gshell command

Certification Status
Apache Geronimo v2.1.2 has passed 100% of SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 5.0 
Certification Test Suite. See "Distributions" for further details.

Apache Geronimo v2.1.2 is available in five distributions so you can pick the 
one that best fits your environment.

The available distributions are as follows:

Certified distributions:
- Apache Geronimo with Tomcat web container, AXIS2 for Web Services and OpenJPA
  for persistence.
- Apache Geronimo with Jetty web container, CXF for Web Services and OpenJPA 
  for persistence.

Non-Certified distributions:
- Little-G with Tomcat web container, minimal configuration.
- Little-G with Jetty web container, minimal configuration.
- Geronimo framework, stripped down Geronimo pluggable framework.

Note: Non-Certified distributions do not contain a complete JavaEE5 stack and so 
cannot be certified.  Certified distributions can be reconfigured by the user 
(such as Tomcat web container with CXF for Web Services). 

Supported features
All programming elements of the Java EE 5.0 Specification are available.  

Known Issues and Limitations
** Bug
    * [GERONIMO-2246] -  Why resource-env-ref:admin-object-module?
    * [GERONIMO-2340] -  Network Listener state not persisted across server startups
    * [GERONIMO-2622] -  Implement PolicyContextHandlerSOAPMessage
    * [GERONIMO-3233] -  Local EJB references cannot be resolved when <inverse-classloading> is set in web application
    * [GERONIMO-3359] -  naming builders are invoked twice
    * [GERONIMO-3392] -  CA Helper App - Unable to find HTTPS Connector configured for ClientAuth
    * [GERONIMO-3419] -  Console displays wrong database pool type when derby embed local is used.
    * [GERONIMO-3442] -  Tomcat exception reports reference non-existent log files
    * [GERONIMO-3445] -  Verify log levels can be changed for openejb related log categories
    * [GERONIMO-3457] -  Drools BRMS issue using geronimo 2.0.1-jetty6
    * [GERONIMO-3466] -  car-maven-plugin can not generate server plugin which includes EJB
    * [GERONIMO-3468] -  Links broken through Ajp13.
    * [GERONIMO-3469] -  From console: database pool doesn't work well if the name contains a / like jdbc/EmployeeDataSource
    * [GERONIMO-3470] -  Setting system properties through the deployment plan fails.
    * [GERONIMO-3483] -  Redeploy should start any dependent configurations it stops.
    * [GERONIMO-3488] -  car file left over after failed deployment
    * [GERONIMO-3581] -  Default security relam name in ContextManager
    * [GERONIMO-3589] -  NullpointerException thrown when running jsp tag inside security realm
    * [GERONIMO-3599] -  Unable to create new JMS Resource group through console in IE7
    * [GERONIMO-3602] -  SEI specified in webservices.xml does not overwrite annotation
    * [GERONIMO-3655] -  Invalid MdbInstanceFactory behaviour
    * [GERONIMO-3656] -  Startup failed when used with Saxon 9 XSLT engine
    * [GERONIMO-3664] -  JNDIView Portlet should list ResourceAdaptors and its JCAManagedConnectionFactories for RAR Modules
    * [GERONIMO-3673] -  MessageDrivenBean injection issue
    * [GERONIMO-3685] -  Monitoring Console should display TimeStatistics and BoundedRangeStatistics correctly
    * [GERONIMO-3688] -  Website issues; links and missing images
    * [GERONIMO-3755] -  application-1.2 schema does not exist
    * [GERONIMO-3756] -  Blank screen in Security Realms portlet if wrong file path is specified
    * [GERONIMO-3762] -  Web Applications displayed during server startup include "system" console plugins
    * [GERONIMO-3768] -  deployment failure is not logged in either geronimo.log or deployer.log
    * [GERONIMO-3793] -  "Not Known To This Context" JAXBException when attempting to return complex data type from a @WebMethod
    * [GERONIMO-3812] -  Geronimo 2.0.2 misses ApacheDS (LDAP) function
    * [GERONIMO-3815] -  ContextManager.getCurrentContext() throws NullPointerException
    * [GERONIMO-3820] -  Secure LDAP (ldaps) trusted certificate authorities
    * [GERONIMO-3832] -  Timers created using the Timer Services are not dropeed when the associated ejb module is stopped or undeployed.
    * [GERONIMO-3838] -  memory (probably related to sessions) leak
    * [GERONIMO-3844] -  Errors on shutdown from admin console (Jetty only) - java.lang.InterruptedException
    * [GERONIMO-3851] -  Plan Creator cannot recognize classes inside compressed JARs of WEB-INF/lib
    * [GERONIMO-3863] -  Default TomcatWebConnector maxPostSize setting cannot handle DayTrader application
    * [GERONIMO-3874] -  Deployment of Spring SpringContextResourceAdapter fails
    * [GERONIMO-3875] -  Enabling authentication for Derby renders DB Viewer portlet unusable for all db's except SystemDatabase
    * [GERONIMO-3878] -  Unable to deploy Postgres Datasource from console dialog "Database Pools" because of missing jar files in jar selection listbox.
    * [GERONIMO-3890] -  Struts2 extremely slow (unusable)
    * [GERONIMO-3892] -  Persistence.CreateEntityManagerFactory leads to an JNDI Exception in EJB Container
    * [GERONIMO-3894] -  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jdom/Parent using JDOM 1.0
    * [GERONIMO-3907] -  Persistence Exception is not visible/lost for client.
    * [GERONIMO-3934] -  geronimo/start-server --timeout option does not work as expected
    * [GERONIMO-3938] -  Geronimo must add Java2 security to run with security manager 	Unassigned
    * [GERONIMO-3942] -  IllegalStateException warning message for Jetty plugin installer
    * [GERONIMO-3946] -  WARN [JettyModuleBuilder] Web application . does not contain a WEB-INF/geronimo-web.xml deployment plan
    * [GERONIMO-3949] -  Problem creating a DB2 datasource
    * [GERONIMO-3951] -  org.apache.geronimo.cxf.CXFHandlerResolverTest fails on Harmony intermittently
    * [GERONIMO-3957] -  Updating svn:ignore lists
    * [GERONIMO-3989] -  gshell - infinite loop
    * [GERONIMO-3997] -  NPE in console
    * [GERONIMO-3998] -  @WebFault
    * [GERONIMO-4000] -  Cannot start magicGball sample's client application thru gshell command
    * [GERONIMO-4011] -  Need new release of JLine to fix GShell problems on Windows
    * [GERONIMO-4025] -  Accessibility issues: No caption tag or summary property, no column and row scope property for data tables in admin console
    * [GERONIMO-4026] -  Accessibility issue: no fieldset and legend elements for groups of radio and checkbox button
    * [GERONIMO-4028] -  Accessibility issue: no label elements and title attributes defined in all of forms in admin console
    * [GERONIMO-4029] -  Transforming from DOM Document to SAAJ SOAPBody throws TransformerException
    * [GERONIMO-4030] -  Accessibility issue: The tree and tabbed content in Debug views is not keyboard navigatable
    * [GERONIMO-4032] -  Accessibility issue: descriptions should be shown explicitly for automatic change
    * [GERONIMO-4037] -  Geronimo 2.0.3 (and I guess at least 2.0.2) can't run with a security manager settled from the command line using
    * [GERONIMO-4071] -  car-maven-plugin should be able to download provided dependencies
    * [GERONIMO-4076] -  Console runs in unhandled exception when user starts module with unresolved dependencies
    * [GERONIMO-4078] -  Database Pools page: JNDI name formatting inconsistent
    * [GERONIMO-4080] -  Accessibility issue: No input error messages are shown in some forms if anything is unexpected
    * [GERONIMO-4081] -  Accessibility issue: Webking scan errors against "Check Web Accessibility(Section 508)" rules
    * [GERONIMO-4097] -  unable to download extensible administration console using Little G
    * [GERONIMO-4124] -  Tomcat jacc usage is messed up
    * [GERONIMO-4141] -  The war exported as a geronimo plugin in admin console cannot be installed with install-plugin command of deploy.bat|.sh
    * [GERONIMO-4153] -  Messages are not being redelivered correctly
    * [GERONIMO-4155] -  Can use a run-as role without defining it
    * [GERONIMO-4178] -  Misleading errors during deployment when missing entries in openejb-jar.xml
    * [GERONIMO-4184] -  In-doubt transaction Id's could be reused during server startup
    * [GERONIMO-4186] -  Use start-server.bat to start non-default server and shutdown it using stop-server.bat , but can not exit to command prompt
    * [GERONIMO-4210] -  EJB Injection in JSF Managed Bean
    * [GERONIMO-4218] -  NullPointerException in ConnectorModuleBuilder
    * [GERONIMO-4219] -  Edited GBean properties not reflected on restart

** Improvement
    * [GERONIMO-3389] -  console: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown when create a Tomcat APR HTTP Connector
    * [GERONIMO-3399] -  Need JSR88 DConfigBeans for GerSecurityType
    * [GERONIMO-3402] -  Remove depricated DeployUtils with FileUtils
    * [GERONIMO-3448] -  New threads launched from an EJB do not run as the same Subject as the launching thread
    * [GERONIMO-3530] -  provide activemq destination and connector stats
    * [GERONIMO-3661] -  Optimize GShell libs for G server assemblies
    * [GERONIMO-3680] -  The Monitoring agent should optimize DB activity
    * [GERONIMO-3681] -  The Monitoring Console should allow the type of graph to be chosen
    * [GERONIMO-3682] -  The Monitoring Console should keep information about Stats available from a managed object
    * [GERONIMO-3759] -  Geronimo Tomcat Clustering - No GBeans for adding Static Members
    * [GERONIMO-3770] -  Error reporting of undeclared data-sources from persistence.xml with the file path and such
    * [GERONIMO-3774] -  monitoring agent should separate any constant assignment inside one class
    * [GERONIMO-3849] -  When display-name in web.xml contains the dot the remaining part's printed out in geronimo.log
    * [GERONIMO-3870] -  Expose JSR77 stats in OpenEJB
    * [GERONIMO-3905] -  Geronimo Database pool wizard
    * [GERONIMO-3915] -  Upgrade Monitoring and Debugview plugins to use Dojo instead of Dojolegacy
    * [GERONIMO-3925] -  Monitoring agent should use JAXB to do XML manipulation
    * [GERONIMO-3929] -  Load server implementation classes and it's libraries using a private classloader
    * [GERONIMO-3940] -  A easy way to create a new server instance via command/gsh/console
    * [GERONIMO-3948] -  Allow multiple containers to be created for different types of ejbs
    * [GERONIMO-3958] -  No web-app element when geronimo-web.xml contains other root element
    * [GERONIMO-3969] -  maven2 module goals should use standard server definitions.
    * [GERONIMO-4023] -  Provide Column Names in the Database Table View of the Admin Console

** New Feature
    * [GERONIMO-3417] -  Implement JASPI
    * [GERONIMO-3534] -  allowHosts attribute unavailable in geronimo 2.0.1
    * [GERONIMO-3572] -  Disable access log by default and provide an easy way for the user to enable/disable logging at will.
    * [GERONIMO-3619] -  Allow context-param's to be overridden in geronimo-web.xml
    * [GERONIMO-3662] -  Provide JCA Resource statistics
    * [GERONIMO-4089] -  Investigate building and running Geronimo on JSE 6

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