The Apache CloudStack Development Environment

The project wants developers to be able to contribute whether they happen to use Linux, Mac OS X, or Microsoft Windows as their development environment. We've provided guides for each OS on the wiki. Please feel free to edit the wiki if any of the information is outdated, incomplete, or inaccurate! Things move pretty fast, so it's possible that documentation may not quite keep up with the pace of development.

If you have questions, concerns, or need help in getting your CloudStack development environment set up, please ask! Email with any questions. It will help if you're very specific about your setup. Please include:

  • OS that you're working on, including version.
  • Which branch you're working on (e.g. 4.0.x, 4.1.0, master)
  • If you're using Eclipse or another IDE (if relevant).
  • If you're having problems running CloudStack, please note if you're using DevCloud or what OS/platform you're running CloudStack on.

See the following guides for setting up a development environment:

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