
This will show you how to build and release the ApacheDS subproject. Keep an eye out for warning and note sections that show version specific differences in this process.

Manual Step

Some things have not yet been automated with maven and require users to manually edit some files. Below are the steps to follow.

Update the apacheds/pom.xml

The current apacheds/pom.xml contains references to LDAP API SNAPSHOTs, which is not good. You have to bump up those references to the latest LDAP-API version.

Update service/ and service/apacheds.bat

Edit the files in the service project directory to update the revision numbers used in that file to reference non-SNAPSHOT releases.

Release process

Since we are using Nexus for releases the release process is as follows (see also

1. Test the Project

$ mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true

Replace the version by the new version. Be careful, and remove the 'apacheds-parent-' which is proposed for the new tag. We should just use the version number.

2. Deploy a Snapshot

$ mvn deploy

This is useful to verify your settings in ~/.m2/settings.xml (Nexus password and GPG key)

3. Prepare the Release

$ mvn release:clean
$ mvn release:prepare

This creates a tag here:

4. Stage the Release

$ mvn release:perform

This deploys the release to a staging repository. Go to and close the staging repository.

5. Build the Site

In order to generate the site, you have to comment some modules in the apacheds pom.xml file :


Then you can start the maven command :

$ cd target/checkout
$ mvn site

This creates the site and the Javadocs.

Now, you have to sign the sources packages which are in apacheds/target/checkout/target.

Use your PGP key ID (the pub key, 4096R/[XXXXXXX] where [XXXXXXX] is the key ID)

You can get the keys by typing :

gpg --list-keys

You can use this small script that does the job (copy-paste this code in a file named in your path) :


echo "PGP Key ID: "

echo "PGP Key Password: "
stty -echo
stty echo
echo ""

for FILE in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -not '(' -name "" -or -name ".*" -or -name "*.md5" -or -name "*.sha1" -or -name "*.asc" ')' -and -type f) ; do
    if [ -f "$FILE.asc" ]; then
        echo "Skipping: $FILE"

    echo -n "Signing: $FILE ... "

    # MD5
    if [ ! -f "$FILE.md5" ];
        openssl md5 < "$FILE" | cut "-d " -f2 > "$FILE.md5"
        echo "  - Generated '$FILE.md5'"
        echo "  - Skipped '$FILE.md5' (file already existing)"

    # SHA1
    if [ ! -f "$FILE.sha1" ];
        gpg -v --default-key "$DEFAULT_KEY" --print-md SHA1 "$FILE" > "$FILE".sha1
        echo "  - Generated '$FILE.sha1'"
        echo "  - Skipped '$FILE.sha1' (file already existing)"
    # ASC
    if [ ! -f "$FILE.asc" ];
        echo "$PASSWORD" | gpg --default-key "$DEFAULT_KEY" --detach-sign --armor --no-tty --yes --passphrase-fd 0 "$FILE"
        echo "  - Generated '$FILE.asc'"
        echo "  - Skipped '$FILE.asc' (file already existing)"

Then to sign the packages :

PGP Key ID: 
<your PGP key>
PGP Key Password: 
<Your password>

-n Signing: ./apacheds-parent-<version> ... 
  - Generated './apacheds-parent-<version>'
  - Generated './apacheds-parent-<version>'
  - Generated './apacheds-parent-<version>'

6. Publish Source Distribution Package

$ cd target/checkout/target
$ scp apacheds-parent-<version>*<version>

7. Test the new version

The best way to do that is to download the sources, extract them, build the server and the installers, and check if the installers are correctly working. Then check that the server is correctly running.

8. Create the installers

We now have to create the installers. Go into the target/checkout directory and run :

$ cd apacheds/target/checkout/installers
$ mvn clean install -Pinstallers

This will create the installers in the target/checkout/installers/target/installers directory

Sign those installers using the script, and copy them in<version>

$ cd apacheds/target/checkout/target/installers/target/installers
$ scp apacheds-<version>*<version>

Note : you will need a Debian, a Fedora and a Windows server to generate dedicated binaries for those platforms, or you can use rpmbuild, dpkg or nsis if you don't want to use many different servers.

Update your index.html file on to make the packages visible. Here is an example of possible content :

<h2>Last Directory Server <version> sources tarballs</h2>
  <img src="/icons/compressed.gif" alt="[   ]"><a href="apacheds-<version>/apacheds-parent-<version>">apacheds-parent-<version></a><br/>
  <img src="/icons/compressed.gif" alt="[   ]"><a href="apacheds-<version>/apacheds-parent-<version>">apacheds-parent-<version></a><br/>
  <img src="/icons/compressed.gif" alt="[   ]"><a href="apacheds-<version>/apacheds-parent-<version>">apacheds-parent-<version></a><br/>
  <img src="/icons/compressed.gif" alt="[   ]"><a href="apacheds-<version>/apacheds-parent-<version>">apacheds-parent-<version></a><br>
<h2>Last Directory Server <version> installers</h2>
  <h3>Plain 32 bits binary installers</h3>
    <img src="/icons/compressed.gif" alt="[   ]"><a href="apacheds-<version>/apacheds-<version>-32bit.bin">apacheds-<version>-32bit.bin</a><br/>
    <img src="/icons/compressed.gif" alt="[   ]"><a href="apacheds-<version>/apacheds-<version>-32bit.bin.asc">apacheds-<version>-32bit.bin.asc</a><br/>
    <img src="/icons/compressed.gif" alt="[   ]"><a href="apacheds-<version>/apacheds-<version>-32bit.bin.md5">apacheds-<version>-32bit.bin.md5</a><br/>
    <img src="/icons/compressed.gif" alt="[   ]"><a href="apacheds-<version>/apacheds-<version>-32bit.bin.sha1">apacheds-<version>-32bit.bin.sha1</a><br/>
  <h3>Plain 64 bits installers</h3>
    <img src="/icons/compressed.gif" alt="[   ]"><a href="apacheds-<version>/apacheds-<version>-64bit.bin">apacheds-<version>-64bit.bin</a><br/>
    <img src="/icons/compressed.gif" alt="[   ]"><a href="apacheds-<version>/apacheds-<version>-64bit.bin.asc">apacheds-<version>-64bit.bin.asc</a><br/>
    <img src="/icons/compressed.gif" alt="[   ]"><a href="apacheds-<version>/apacheds-<version>-64bit.bin.md5">apacheds-<version>-64bit.bin.md5</a><br/>
    <img src="/icons/compressed.gif" alt="[   ]"><a href="apacheds-<version>/apacheds-<version>-64bit.bin.sha1">apacheds-<version>-64bit.bin.sha1</a><br/>

9. Vote

Start a 72h vote at the dev mailing list.

10. Release

If the vote succeeds Apacheds project can be released.

Go to and release the staging repository so all artifacts are published to Maven central.

Move the distribution packages (sources and binaries) to the dist SVN repository:$(version)

The best solution would be to checkout the directory in, to copy the packages in the right place, and to check in the changes :

$ ssh
# svn co apacheds-dist
# cd apacheds-dist
# mkdir <version>
# cp ../public_html/apacheds-<version>/* <version>
# svn ci <version>
# exit

The packages should now be available on<version>

11. Deploy the Javadocs and XRef

We now can deploy the generated Javadoc and cross-reference pages. They are generated in the following directory :


We will copy two directories :


*Staging or Production?*

Those files will be stored on the production server only !!! And some extra caution ust be taken not to delete them when we will publish the staging site too...

First of all, you must checkout the two CMS store for the site : staging and revision.

$ cd ~/apacheds
$ svn co staging
$ svn co production

Now, you will first add the directory for the newly generated version :

$ cd ~/apacheds/production/content/apacheds/gen-docs
$ mkdir <version>

Then copy the generated docs :

$ cp -r ~/apacheds/trunks/apacheds/target/checkout/target/site/apidocs ~/apacheds/production/content/apacheds/gen-docs/<version>
$ cp -r ~/apacheds/trunks/apacheds/target/checkout/target/site/xref ~/apacheds/production/content/apacheds/gen-docs/<version>

You have to check in those directories :

$ svn add <version>
$ svn ci <version> -m "Injected <version> javadocs"

Now, you have to update the staging site :


This file list the file on the production site that will not be overriden by the publication of the staging site. It has to be updated

$ cd ~/apacheds/staging/content/
$ vi extpaths.txt

Add the following line :

# Apacheds

then save and check in the file .htaccess

We also have to update this file :

$ cd ~/apacheds/staging/content/apacheds/gen-docs
$ vi .htaccess

And update the two last lines to refer to the version you've just released :

RewriteRule ^latest$ <version>/
RewriteRule ^latest/(.*)$ <version>/$1

Save and commit the file.

12. Update the web site

You can now update the site, add a news on the front page, and publish the site.

13. Inform the world !

After 24h, you can now inform the world about the release.

Send a mail to the users and dev mailing list, and one to the

You are done !

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