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User and Group Mappings (IDMAP)

Users and groups in Windows use SIDs, while users and groups in UNIX/Linux use UID's and GID's. The purpose of Winbind is to convert between SID's, UID's, and GID's.

Winbind is configured with ranges of UID's and GID's. The first time a Windows user is resolved, a UID is allocated and the SID-UID mapping is stored. The same process applies for Windows groups. Eventually, Winbind will have all UID's and GID's mapped to SID's.

For locations with a single Samba server, the Winbind mappings can be stored in a local database. However, to ensure consistent UID/GID mappings across multiple Samba servers, you will need to store ID mappings in LDAP.

Configuring Kerberos



Configuring the Name Service Switch


passwd:     files winbind
group:      files winbind
shadow:     files

In Fedora and CentOS Linux, service specific PAM configuration files will contain a " service=system-auth" or similar entry, effectively centralizing PAM configuration to the "system-auth" file. Therefore, system-auth should be the only file modified to include the necessary Winbind entries.

auth        required
auth        sufficient likeauth nullok
auth        sufficient try_first_pass
auth        sufficient try_first_pass
auth        required

account     required
account     sufficient uid < 100 quiet
account     required
account     sufficient
account     sufficient

password    requisite retry=3
password    sufficient nullok use_authtok md5 shadow
password    sufficient use_authtok
password    sufficient use_authtok
password    required

session     required
session     required
session     optional skel=etc/skel/ umask=0022
session     optional

Uses the same password given to the first module configured for authentication in the pam.conf file. The module should not ask for the password if the user cannot be authenticated by the first password.

This option is used when the system administrator wants to enforce the same password across multiple modules.


Same as the use_first_pass option, except that if the primary password is not valid, PAM will prompt for a password.

The "" module will create a home directory for a user if one doesn't exist. The umask=0022 parameter causes the directory permission to be set to 755. You may strengthen or weaken permissions as needed. The home directory is constructed from the skeletal files in the /etc/skel directory.

Configuring OpenLDAP to support Winbind IDMAP

Installation of OpenLDAP is not covered in this document; please reference xxx. Once OpenLDAP is installed, configure "/etc/slapd/slapd.conf". To generate the "rootdn" password for OpenLDAP, use the "slappasswd" command to generate a password hash, then paste the hash into the "rootpw" value. Make sure the file is set to mode 700 for permissions.


include         /etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema

index sambaSID                          eq
index sambaPrimaryGroupSID              eq
index sambaDomainName                   eq

Winbind IDMAP LDAP configuration

Add the following lines to a working "smb.conf" configuration file. See the note, below, if you are converting to LDAP from a local IDMAP database.

ldap admin dn = cn=Manager,dc=domain,dc=com
ldap idmap suffix = ou=idmap
ldap suffix = dc=domain,dc=com
idmap backend = ldap:ldap://

Once the above settings are present, type the following command at the shell prompt to register the password for the rootdn:

"smbpasswd -w passwd"

... where "passwd" matches the password set for the OpenLDAP rootdn account. The password will be stored in the Samba "secrets.tdb" database, which hashes the password and is only readable by the "root" account.

Once Winbind and the supporting components are configured, issue the following command at a shell (logged in as root) to finalize the Winbind setup. If you are converting from a local IDMAP database and the machine has already joined the domain, you do not need to perform this step.

"net ads join -U Administrator"

To validate that IDMAP entries are being entered correctly in the LDAP directory, connect with an LDAP administration tool to the OpenLDAP server. Expand the IDMAP container (ou=Idmap). There should be numerous entries like the example below:

objectClass:  sambaIdmapEntry
sambaSID:     S-1-5-21-1957994488-2146356355-682003330-1427
uidNumber:    16777216

To configure Winbind to use LDAPS (SSL) for connections, add the following line to the "smb.conf" configuration file:

ldap ssl = on

Also change the 'idmap backend' value to include an "s" in the URL address as shown below:

idmap backend = ldap:ldaps://

You may now start Winbind:

$ service winbind start

To validate that Winbind is correctly resolving groups from the domain, type "wbinfo -g" in a shell. This should list all the groups in the AD domain. To test that authentication is working, test logons through several different services including "ssh" and local login.

Once the configuration has been validated, add the Winbind daemon (winbind) to the appropriate Unix/Linux run-level.

Converting to LDAP from a local IDMAP database

If you are converting from a local IDMAP database to an LDAP-backed database, you will need to delete the winbind cache files and use 'getent' to trigger winbind to populate the LDAP directory:

$ rm -rf /var/cache/samba/winbindd_*
$ getent passwd
$ getent group

Please note that you will need to 'chown' any files and directories owned using the local database, since the population of the LDAP-backed IDMAP will result in newly mapped UID and GID values.

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