Task description

ApacheDS 1.0 holds the VSLDAP certification with BASE level. For the 2.0, we plan to achieve the STANDARD level as well, which means that we have to pass even more tests.

Please note that we are not able to document details here about the tests which do not pass (due to the license agreement of the test suite).


At the moment, for ApacheDS 1.5.1 ca. 75% of the STANDARD profile tests pass. Currently, I investigate why the others fails.

There are three possible reasons:

  • Configuration error, either in test driver or system under test (ApacheDS), for instance problems with loading the test data
  • Bug or missing functionality within ApacheDS
  • Invalid test case or test data

JIRA issues for ApacheDS which relate to failing compliance tests

This is a list of open JIRA issues raised against ApacheDS because of failed or unresolved (in general not passed) test cases from the BASE and STANDARD profile. Resolving them does not necessarily make the corresponding compliance test cases pass. But it is assumed that fixing them is a prerequisite for them to pass, and in most cases, they will pass afterwards.

JIRA issue



Creating an alias from a child entry to the ancestor causes an error (return code 36)


No continuation references for referrals returned for some search filters


LDAP modify operation does not create or update necessary operational attributes within an entry

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