For configuring new listeners (HTTP, HTTPS and AJP) to the Web container in use (either Jetty or Tomcat), the Network Listener portlet is available by selecting Web Server on the Console Navigation menu on the left side. From this portlet, you can add new listeners and change the status (stop, start, delete) of the existing ones.

Note that in this version of Apache Geronimo, you can specify what implementation (BIO or NIO for Jetty and BIO, NIO and APR for Tomcat) you want to use for a given connector type. To enable Tomcat APR connector creation, you need to install APR native library first. The specific parameters for configuring the connectors will not change based on the implementation you choose. Therefore, for simplicity, we will just show the generic HTTP, HTTPS and AJP configuration details.

The configuration options for each of the connectors in the following list will be slightly different between Jetty and Tomcat Web containers. Tomcat, for instance, will have far more optional attributes to set compared to Jetty; however, the required attributes will be the same for both containers. You can also edit configuration files manually to add or update web listeners.

  • For Tomcat webContainer, edit the server.xml file under the <Geronimo_Home>/var/catalina directory.
  • For Jetty webContainer, edit the config.xml file under the <Geronimo_home>/var/config directory.
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