The HiveMind Registry

HiveMind applications consists of different modules: individual building blocks, each providing a particular set of services, configurations and module descriptors. Typically each module is deployed as its own JAR file. At runtime, HiveMind combines all the modules and their descriptors together.

This is done by the HiveMind registry. The registry is the central container of a HiveMind application, that manages the creation and the lifecycle of the services and configurations contained in each module and provides access to all these elements.


The construction process

To start up a HiveMind application the registry must get constructed.
At best this can be done with these simple line of code:

Registry registry = RegistryBuilder.constructDefaultRegistry();

But this way to construct the registry implies some requirements in the layout of the modules, so we have to take a detailed look at these requirements and what to do if we can't or don't want to meet them.

The different kinds of module descriptors

For the creation of a registry a definition is needed which serves as blueprint for the
construction of services and configurations.

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