This page documents the process for setting up a code signing key.  This key is necessary to release a version of Mynewt through the ASF.

Step 1: Download gpg2

[ccollins@ccollins-mac:~/repos/larva]$ brew install gpg2

Step 2: Generate a new key

Follow the steps on this page:

Note: Specify your email address in your user ID.

Step 3: Upload your key to a public server

The Apache OpenPGP page linked above lists some public servers.  I used hkp://  Do this by editing your
~/.gnupg/gpg.conf file and adding the following line:

keyserver hkp://

Determine your key ID with:

    gpg2 --list-sigs

Then publish your key to the server with the following command:

    gpg2 --send-key <key-ID>


[ccollins@ccollins-mac:~/repos/larva]$ gpg2 --list-sigs
pub   4096R/61047701 2016-02-23
uid       [ultimate] Christopher Collins (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>
sig 3        61047701 2016-02-23  Christopher Collins (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>
sub   4096R/3C6FB130 2016-02-23
sig          61047701 2016-02-23  Christopher Collins (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>

[ccollins@ccollins-mac:~/repos/larva]$ gpg2 --send-key 61047701
gpg: sending key 61047701 to hkp server

Step 4: Export your ASCII armored public key

[ccollins@ccollins-mac:~/repos/larva]$ ( gpg2 --list-sigs && gpg2 --armor --export ) > mykey.asc

Now you can concatenate your key (mykey.asc in this example) to the Mynewt KEYS file.  This process is described in the Release Process page.

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