Access to add and change pages is restricted. See:

SNIssue IDSummaryTest ScenariosRemark

Picking screen get block when there are large number of records to process

Test Case:
1. Go to facility -> Picking (https://localhost:8443/facility/control/PicklistOptions?facilityId=WebStoreWarehouse)
2. Enter the number of order you want to group in 'Group first' text box. (Default value is 50 orders)
3. Click on Submit button.

Expected Result: On submitting, number of orders grouped should be equal to number of orders specified in the 'Group first' text box.


Manage Picklist screen get block when there are large number of records to process

Test Case:
1. Go to facility -> Manage Picklists screen (https://localhost:8443/facility/control/PicklistManage?facilityId=WebStoreWarehouse)
2. Screen should render properly and pagination also should work.

Expected Result: Pagination should be working properly. Total number of
picklists should be shown correctly in pagination. Page should load with large number of records.


Out of stock products screw up the pagination during category browsing

Test Case:

  1. Set 'showOutOfStockProducts' flag in ProductStore entity to 'N'
  2. Make some products of any category 'Out Of Stock' by reducing inventory and set it to zero

Test Case: For ecommerce store:

  1. Go to ecommerce http://localhost:8080/ecommerce/control/main
  2. Browse products by clicking 'Categories' from left nav
  3. Observe the counts of pagination and actual products display

Expected Result: Pagination count and number of products display should be same

Test Case: For ordermgr:

  1. Go to ordermgr -> Order Entry (https://localhost:8443/ordermgr/control/orderentry)
  2. On 'Add To Order' page of sales order creation page
  3. Select products to add by selecting 'Browse Categories' from left nav.
  4. Observe the counts of pagination and actual products display

Expected Result: Pagination count and number of products display should be same



web.xml: empty allowPaths init param causes NPE

Test Case:

  • Goto any 'web.xml' file for any application.
  • Comment out or delete the allowed paths in init-param .
  • Then access the particular application like BI or Webtools.

Actual Result: A NPE occurs and the page is not displayed.
Expected Result: User should be able the access the application.



copyContentAndElectronicTextandAssoc service broken

Test Case:

Actual Result: Error occurred after submit the form
Expected Result: New content should be created with related electronicText and contentAssoc.


Some Payment Settings options at ordermgr/control/finalizeOrder disappear if Continue is clicked without selecting a payment

Test Case:
1. Go to ordermgr and select Order Entry
2. Create order, do not select customer and continue till payment setting in finalize order flow.
3. Click on continue without selecting any peyment method.
4. Page will be shown with error "Please select a method of payment". Some of payment methods disappears.

Expected Result:
All payment methods should be available which were there before.

7OFBIZ-3879invalid invoice id is not handled correctly by invoiceOverview

Test Case:
1. Access invalid invoice

Expected Result:
Invoice does not exists message should be shown.

Actual Result:
Parameter missing related error is coming on page.

Reason :
Required Checks for invoice existence were missing.


Not all sales invoice item types are showing in listInvoiceItems screen

Test Case:
1. Go to Accounting -> Invoices https://localhost:8443/ar/control/findInvoices
2. Click on Create Invoice
3. Add new invoice item
4. Observe 'Invoice Item Type' drop down, it shows all invoiceItem

Expected behavior: Invoice item type should be display as per selected invoice typeId


New Order ship to partyid is ignored.

Test Case:

  1. Create a Purchase Order from ordermgr application then 
  2. Add items to order
  3. Finalize the Order.
  4. On the ship group section, Add party using 'Ship To Another Party' section
  5. Party was getting ignore

Expected Result: Newly added party should successfully added and shown


Some Payment Settings options at ordermgr/control/finalizeOrder disappear if Continue is clicked without selecting a payment

Test Case:
1. Go to ordermgr and select Order Entry
2. Create order, do not select customer and continue till payment setting in finalize order flow.
3. Click on continue without selecting any peyment method.
4. Page will be shown with error "Please select a method of payment". Some of payment methods disappears.

Expected Result: All payment methods should be available which were there before.

11OFBIZ-2942createPartyContactMechPurpose service doesn't allow fromDate

Added code to take fromDate of PartyContactMechPurpose from user. If user provides fromDate then that will be used else nowTimeStamp will be used as fromDate.


Merging of processCustomerSettings and createUpdateUser method

Test Case:
1. Go to ecommerce front store and add items into cart.
2. Click on "Quick Checkout" button.
4. In this screen under "Checkout Without Login" section click on "Quick Checkout" button.
5. Fill the personal, billing and shipping address related information and click on continue. (This is place where createUpdateCustomer method is used.)
6. Select the shipping options and place the order.

Expected Result: Order should get successfully placed with anonymous user.


<@htmlTemplate.renderDateTimeField> icon buttons disappear on some pages after refresh

Test Case: (issue can be generated on Mozilla browser only)

  1. Go to order detail page of any order make sure Ship After Date should be entered any value on Shipment Information block.
  2. Now refresh the page using F5 key, calender icon of Ship After Date will be removed.

Expected Result: Ship After date should remains after page refresh


Party Manager Party StatusId Update Fails

Test Case:

  1. Go to partymgr https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/main
  2. Lookup for party id "Company" and go to profile page https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/viewprofile?partyId=Company
  3. Update 'Party Group Information'
  4. Set statusId Enabled and then save
  5. SatusId on profile page does not get update

Expected Result: Status of party should update


Improve the way CreditCard.cardType field is managed

Test Case1:

  1. Place sales order from back end.
  2. Select credit card payment method while placing order.
  3. Select card Type from dropdown list.
  4. Check the value of options in dropdown list.
  5. Place the order.

Expected Result: enumCode should be shown (from Enumeration entity whose enumTypeId is CREDIT_CARD_TYPE) in card Type drop down and enumId should be save in Credit Card entity after placing order.


Test Case 2:

1. Place order from front end.
2. Checkout without login.
3. Select credit card payment method.
4. Select card type from the dropdown list.
5. Check the value of options in dropdown list.
6. Place the order.

Expected Result: enumCode should be shown (from Enumeration entity whose enumTypeId is CREDIT_CARD_TYPE) in card Type drop down and enumId should be save in Credit Card entity after placing order.


Possible bug with adding an item to an order that has a canceled item

Test Case:

  1. Create an order with GZ-1000 and GZ-1004.
  2. Cancel the GZ-1004 item.
  3. Now add GZ-1001 to the order.
  4. GZ-1001 replaces the GZ-1004 line item

Expected Result: GZ-1001 should add as a new line item

Issue has been already fixed.

When click the "Go Back" button, the style of the page is mess

Test Case:

1. Go to (https://localhost:8443/humanres/control/editcontactmech?partyId=Company&contactMechId=9000).
2. Click on Go Back button.

Expected Result : View profile page should render properly.



OrderItemShipGrpInvRes incorrect when receiving an inventory item that relates to more than one record

Test Case:

1. Create an order for product "PEPPERS-G" with a quantity of 10 and click "Finish Order"
2. Add another ship group and click "Continue"
3. Assign 5 of the order items to the second ship group created and then finish the order
4. Navigate to the Receive Inventory page of the WebStoreWarehouse facility
5. Enter "PEPPERS-G" into the productId field and click "Receive Product"
6. Enter a quantity of 6 into the quantityAccepted field and click "Receive"
7. Open the OrderItemShipGrpInvRes table and notice that the quantityNotAvailable field has been set to blank for the first record and 4 for the second record and that they both share the same inventoryItemId
8. Now navigate back to the Receive Items page and receive in the product again but with a quantity of 1
9. Refresh the OrderItemShipGrpInvRes results and notice that the first record has a new inventory item applied to it with a quantity of 1 and the other record has been updated to reflect a new quantityNotAvailable value.


Issue in business term: When you have order with multiple order items and all items are out of stock (Order is backordered). Now, you receive an inventory of product, system starts reserving back ordered items. When reserving inventory for back ordered items, system was also picking up orders items which already have sufficient inventory to reassignments of reservations. And due to this, Order items which should get reservations on priority, was not getting reservations. Also reservations were lost for items which had sufficient inventory.


Expected Result: On receiving new inventory in system then it should assign to backorders.


When Adding a Relationship the page

Test Case:

1. Go to (https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/viewprofile?partyId=DemoSupplier). 
2. Click on Relationships.
3. Add another party relationship.

Expected result : On submit the view should be of EditPartyRelationships screen.


SecurityPermissions for Menu-Items and Screens is not consistent in content application

Test Case:

  1. Create an user with security group as 'CONTENT_USER'.
  2. Access the 'Content' component.
  3. The user is able to see the content list for
    Forum and Blog

But is faced with an error message for incorrect user permission for
Data Resource,
Content Setup,
Data Resource Setup,
Template and CMS.

Expected Result: User should able see content list without permission error


Create category through Ofbiz setup throws truncation error

This is not the bug. There is configuration settings that user can do in fieldType*.xml file and increase the length of any database field. Here * can represent mysql, derby, postgres, mssql etc. 

Quick Refund Entire Order create a Payment without the Adjustment Item amount

Test Case:

  1. Create a sales order
  2. QuickShip entire order
  3. Now 'Quick Refund Entire Order' from order detail page.
  4. Refund total shows greater than order total

Expected Result: Refund total should equals to Order total



HR LookupScreens.xml missing most field lookup drop-down queries

Test Case:

  1. Go to HR -> Performance Review https://localhost:8443/humanres/control/FindPerfReviews
  2. Open 'Empl Position Id' lookup
  3. Click on find without entering any value
  4. There is no records in search result

Expected Result: There should be available records in search with empty values


Noisy, Possibly Unnecessary Logging when a browser request is cancelled by the user

Test Case:

  1. User requests a page and cancels that request before the page is rendered and returned
  2. A ClientAbortException is thrown

Expected Result: Error should not be thrown on cancel request before render of page


Party contact expiration and its hidden problems

Test Case: Its a generic issue where party contact mech shown from PartyContactmechPurpose, here a one test case to test

  1. Expire a postal address contact mech of party
  2. Place an sales order for that party
  3. Quick ship the order from order detail page
  4. Print invoice pdf
  5. Pdf shows expired contact mech of party

Expected Result: Expired contact mech of party should not show on any of the order screens and pdfs

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