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JIRA:  KAFKA-14945 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Currently, we use Serializer#serialize(String, Headers, T) in KafkaProducer#doSend(ProducerRecord, Callback) to serialize key and value. First, we call Serializer#serialize(String, Headers, T) to convert T into byte[], then use Utils#wrapNullable(byte[]) to convert byte[] into ByteBuffer, and finally write ByteBuffer into MemoryRecordsBuilder through DefaultRecord#writeTo(DataOutputStream, int, long, ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, Header[]).

Why don't we add a serializeToByteBuffer(String, Headers, T) method to Serializer, and then use Serializer#serializeToByteBuffer(String, Headers, T) in KafkaProducer#doSend(ProducerRecord, Callback)? If T is an instance of ByteBuffer or T is based on ByteBuffer, we would reduce a lot of memory allocation and memory copying.

Additionally, I plan to ultimately replace byte[] with ByteBuffer in Serializer: in 3.x versions, both Serializer#serializeToByteBuffer() and Serializer#serialize() exist. Starting from version 4.0, Serializer#serializeToByteBuffer() will be removed and its implementation will replace Serializer#serialize(), which will return ByteBuffer by default, and Serializer#serialize() will not modify the input ByteBuffer.

Public Interfaces

We propose adding default method Serializer#serializeToByteBuffer(String, T), Serializer#serializeToByteBuffer(String, Headers, T) and Partitioner#partition(String, Object, ByteBuffer, Object, ByteBuffer, Cluster):

default ByteBuffer serializeToByteBuffer(String topic, T data) {
return wrapNullable(serialize(topic, data));

default ByteBuffer serializeToByteBuffer(String topic, Headers headers, T data) {
return wrapNullable(serialize(topic, headers, data));
* Note that this method will modify the position and limit of the input ByteBuffer.
* @param topic   topic associated with data
* @param data    typed data
* @return serialized ByteBuffer
public ByteBuffer serializeToByteBuffer(String topic, ByteBuffer data) {
if (data == null) {
return null;

    // Consider that ByteBuffer#wrap(byte[]) return a ByteBuffer that does not need to call flip().
if (data.position() > 0) {
return data;

public ByteBuffer serializeToByteBuffer(String topic, Headers headers, ByteBuffer data) {
return serializeToByteBuffer(topic, data);
default int partition(String topic, Object key, ByteBuffer keyBytes, Object value, ByteBuffer valueBytes, Cluster cluster) {
return partition(topic, key, toNullableArray(keyBytes), value, toNullableArray(valueBytes), cluster);

Proposed Changes

There are the following changes:

  • Serializer
    • Adding default method Serializer#serializeToByteBuffer(String, T) and Serializer#serializeToByteBuffer(String, Headers, T);
    • Implement serializeToByteBuffer(String, T) and serializeToByteBuffer(String, Headers, T) for ByteBufferSerializer;
    • Using Serializer#serializeToByteBuffer(String, Headers, T) to serialize key&value in KafkaProducer#doSend(ProducerRecord, Callback).
  • Partitioner
    • Adding default method Partitioner#partition(String, Object, ByteBuffer, Object, ByteBuffer, Cluster);
    • Implement partition(String, Object, ByteBuffer, Object, ByteBuffer, Cluster) for RoundRobinPartitioner;
    • Using Partitioner#partition(String, Object, ByteBuffer, Object, ByteBuffer, Cluster) in KafkaProducer#partition(ProducerRecord, ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, Cluster).
  • Utils
    • Adding method murmur2(ByteBuffer data).

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

  • Compatibility

    • We just add default methods Serializer#serializeToByteBuffer(String, T), Serializer#serializeToByteBuffer(String, Headers, T) and Partitioner#partition(String, Object, ByteBuffer, Object, ByteBuffer, Cluster) which is compatible with the existing Serializers.

    • The impact on ByteBuffer offsets is consistent after calling ByteBufferSerializer#serialize(String, ByteBuffer) and ByteBufferSerializer#serializeToByteBuffer(String, Headers, T).

Rejected Alternatives

There is no alternative.

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