
The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the available of Apache Geronimo Eclipse Plugin v3.0.1. This release provides support for Geronimo server 3.0.1 as well as the previous server releases. It also supports Eclipse 4.2 (Juno). This release contains some bug fixings and enhancements for OSGi programming model. Specific details can be found in the Plugin Release Notes.

The new version have been available through eclipse update site now.

Apache Geronimo v3.0.1 Released

May 28, 2013

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the available of Apache Geronimo v3.0.1 server. This release is a bug fixing release of version 3 after 3.0.0. It includes Tomcat assemblies only. Please see the detail information in 3.0.1 release notes.

A couple highlights are:

  • Tomcat upgraded to 7.0.39
  • Tranql upgraded to 1.8 to support JDBC 4
  • MyFaces upgraded to 2.1.10 to support JSF 2.1
  • OpenJPA upgraded to 2.2.2
  • Yoko upgraded to 1.4
  • ActiveMQ upgraded to 5.4.3

Visit the Downloads page for details on downloading Apache Geronimo v3.0.1 server assemblies.

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the 3.0.0 release of Geronimo Samples and Daytrader. These releases are aligned with Geronimo Server 3.0.0 release. To play with these samples, you can check out the samples source code and daytrader source code, then build and run them from scratch.

Apache Geronimo v3.0.0 Released

July 13, 2012

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the available of Apache Geronimo v3.0.0 server. This release is a formal release of version 3 after 3.0-beta-1. It includes Tomcat assemblies only. Besides Java EE 6 compliance achieved since 3.0-beta-1, Geronimo v3.0.0 release add Java 7 support for all of Java EE 6 web profile technologies. Please see the detail information in 3.0.0 release notes.

A couple highlights are:

  • Tomcat upgraded to 7.0.27
  • OSGi upgraded to 4.3
  • BVal upgraded to 0.4
  • Update Derby to version
  • Support for class hot swap for OSGi applications

Visit the Downloads page for details on downloading Apache Geronimo v3.0.0 server assemblies.

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the 3.0-beta-1 release of Geronimo Samples and Daytrader. These releases are aligned with Geronimo Server 3.0-beta-1 release. Here is samples update in this release:

  • Java EE 6 and OSGi samples
  • Daytrader Java EE 6 update

To play with these samples, you have two options:

Check out the source code , then build and run them from scratch.
Install the plugins of these samples online from Geronimo Administrative Console.

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the available of Apache Geronimo Eclipse Plugin v2.1.8. This release provides support for Geronimo server 2.1.8 and Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo). It also contains some bug fixings. Specific details can be found in the Plugin Release Notes.

The new version have been available through eclipse update site now.

Apache Geronimo v2.1.8 Released

December 29, 2011

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the available of Apache Geronimo v2.1.8 server. This release includes quite a few new features, improvements, as well as bug fixes. Please see the detail information in 2.1.8 release notes.

A couple highlights are:

  • Command Line utility to enable/disable Monitoring server and Stat query Snapshot thread for DefaultServer
  • Add SQLServer 2008 Tranql connector
  • Improve windows startup batch scripts to redirect stdout and stderr messages to GERONIMO_HOME/var/log/geronimo.out
  • Upgrade JAXB to 2.1.13, Tomcat to 6.0.35, OpenEJB to 3.0.4, etc.

Visit the Downloads page for details on downloading Apache Geronimo v2.1.8 server assemblies.

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the available of Apache Geronimo Eclipse Plugin v3.0-beta-1. This release provides support for Geronimo server 3.0-beta-1, 2.2.1 and 2.1.7, and Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo). It also contains some bug fixings. Specific details can be found in the Plugin Release Notes

The new version have been available through eclipse update site now.

The Apache Geronimo project is very glad to announce the release of Apache Geronimo v3.0-beta-1 server. It is the first open source solution other than RI that implements both the Java EE 6.0 Full profile and Web profile specifications.

This release has passed 100% of SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 6.0 Full Profile and Web Profile Certification Test Suites, and includes a great many new features, improvements, bug fixes.

Further more, Geronimo v3.0-beta-1 has transformed its kernel based on OSGi technology, so it natively supports OSGi programming model and new technologies in the OSGi enterprise marketplace, including:
- OSGi Blueprint Bundle
- OSGi Web Application Bundle (WAB)
- Enterprise Bundle Application (EBA).

Please see the detail information in the release notes:

A couple highlights are:
Support SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 6.0 Full Profile specification:
- Servlet 3.0
- JSP 2.2
- JSTL 1.2
- JSF 2.0
- EL 2.2
- EJB 3.1
- JPA 2.0
- JTA 1.1
- JTS 1.0
- JDBC 3.0
- JNDI 1.2
- JMS 1.1
- JMX 1.2
- JACC 1.4
- JASS 1.0
- JASPIC 1.0
- JAX-WS 2.2
- JAX-RPC 1.1
- JAXR 1.0
- JAXB 2.2
- JAXP 1.3
- SAAJ 1.3
- Java Mail 1.4
- DI 1.0
- Bean Validation 1.0
- Common Annotations 1.0
- CDI and DI 1.0
- Debugging support for other languages 1.0
- Managed Beans 1.0
- Interceptors 1.1.

For details about Full Profile specifications, please visit Java EE specifications website.

Support OSGi Core Specification v4.3 and part of Enterprise Specification v4.2, including:
- Configuration Admin Service Specification
- Blueprint Container Specification
- Web Applications Specification
- JNDI Services Specification
- JPA service Specification
- JMX Management Model Specification.

For details about OSGi specifications, please visit OSGi Alliance website.

You can download the source jar and binary assemblies from

The geronimo-tomcat7-javaee6-3.0-beta-1 assembly has passed the Java Enterprise Edition 6.0 Full Profile Certification Test Suite.
And the geronimo-tomcat7-javaee6-web-3.0-beta-1 assembly has  passed Java Enterprise Edition 6.0 Web Profile Certification Test Suite.

Thanks very much to various ASF partner projects that we include, e.g. Apache Tomcat, OpenJPA, OpenEJB, ActiveMQ, MyFaces, OpenWebBeans, Axis2, Aries etc.
And also a big THANK YOU to all committers and contributors for this release!  Great work everyone!

Rex Wang,
Apache Geronimo Project

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the 2.2.1 release of Geronimo Samples and Daytrader. These releases are aligned with Geronimo Server 2.2.1 release.

Some of samples are updated to work with the improvement of Geronimo Server 2.2.1 release - Derby Authentication Enablement.

To play with these samples, you have two options:

  • Check out the source code , then build and run them from scratch.
  • Install the plugins of these samples online from Geronimo Administrative Console.

For more information on the samples and how to leverage them reference the Geronimo 2.1 Samples Doc . This documentation will continue to evolve and is intended to be used in conjunction with this release of the sample code.

Daytrader v2.2.1, the Java EE performance benchmark tool, has lots of bug fixes, especially on JBoss 5 support. To play with it, you can check out the source code or plugin and follow the readme step by step.

Jan 13, 2011

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the new v2.2.1 release of the Geronimo Eclipse Plugin (GEP). This release provides support for Eclipse 3.6.x (Helios) and latest Geronimo server 2.2.1 and Geronimo server 2.1.7. It also contains some of bug fixings. Specific details can be found in the Plugin Release Notes.

Please visit the Development Tools Subproject page for details for installing and using GEP v2.2.1.

Dec 12, 2010

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the new v2.1.7 release of the Geronimo Eclipse Plugin (GEP). This release provides support for eclipse 3.6.x (Helios) and latest Geronimo server 2.1.7. It also contains some of bug fixings. Specific details can be found in the Plugin Release Notes.

Dec 11, 2010

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the available of Apache Geronimo v2.2.1 server. This release includes many new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Please see information in 2.2.1 release notes  or 2.2.x Security Report for details.

A couple of highlights are:

  • Stateless Session Bean Failover support
  • Web console navigation improvements .
  • JMX over SSL improvements
  • Added built-in user "monitor" who only has read-only access to monitoring pages.
  • Encrypt password strings in deployment plans
  • Start Derby NetworkServerControl with credentials to prevent unauthorized shutdowns
  • Add db2 for iSeries tranql xa connector to server
  • Upgrade Tomcat to 6.0.29, OpenEJB to 3.1.4, Derby to,ActiveMQ to 5.4.1,OpenJPA to 1.2.2,txmanager to 2.2.1,WADI to 2.1.2,CXF to 2.1.10,Myfaces to 1.2.8,Aixs2 to 1.5.2,javamail to 1.8.2 etc.

Fixed vulnerabilities are:

  • CVE-2010-1632 and CVE-2010-2076: Axis2 and CXF HTTP binding enables DTD based XML attacks.
  • CVE-2010-1622: Spring Framework execution of arbitrary code
  • CVE-2010-2227: Apache Tomcat Remote Denial Of Service and Information Disclosure Vulnerability

Visit the Downloads page for details on downloading Apache Geronimo v2.2.1 server assemblies.

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the 2.1.7 release of Geronimo Samples and Daytrader. These releases are aligned with Geronimo Server 2.1.7 release.

Geronimo Samples v2.1.7 compared with the previous v2.1.2 release, two new samples are added:

  • DataCDInfo - A new sample to demonstrate that struts framework works well in Geronimo
  • Generic-Auth - A new sample to demonstrate the new security authentication method "Generic HTTP Header-based Authentication", which is used in certain enterprise security solutions.

Besides the new samples, some of samples are updated to work with the improvement of Geronimo Server 2.1.7 release - Derby Authentication Enablement.

To play with these samples, you have two options:

  • Check out the source code , then build and run them from scratch.
  • Install the plugins of these samples online from Geronimo Administrative Console.

For more information on the samples and how to leverage them reference the Geronimo 2.1 Samples Doc . This documentation will continue to evolve and is intended to be used in conjunction with this release of the sample code.

Daytrader v2.1.7, the Java EE performance benchmark tool, has lots of bug fixes, especially on JBoss 5 support. To play with it, you can check out the source code and follow the readme step by step.

Apache Geronimo v2.1.7 Released

Nov 30, 2010

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the available of Apache Geronimo v2.1.7 server. This release includes many new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Please see the detail information in 2.1.7 release notes.

A couple highlights are:

  • Provide Generic Header based authentication support
  • Add db2 for iSeries tranql xa connector to server
  • Start Derby NetworkServerControl with credentials to prevent unauthorized shutdowns
  • Upgrade Tomcat to 6.0.29, wadi to 2.1.2, tranql to 1.7, OpenEJB to 3.0.3, txmanager to 2.2.1 etc.

Visit the Downloads page for details on downloading Apache Geronimo v2.1.7 server assemblies.