- Analysis and design for batch jobs
- Analysis and Design for new ManagementAgent
- Analysis and design for removing targets
- Analysis and Design for updating the Management Agent
- Client REST API — To automate the interaction with ACE, you can use its REST client API. Typical use cases include the tight integration of ACE into your development or automated build process, or the creation of a custom user interface or integration.
- Communication Gateway and Server — This document defines the 'protocol' used for communication between server and gateway.
- Creating binary distributions
- Design Template Mechanism — Some artifacts (see Object graph in Client) can need some customization before being provisioned, e.g. configuration files might need some information that is managed by one of the licenses. For more detailed information, see the interface of ArtifactPreprocessor.
- Gogo Shell client API
- Limiting stored versions in repositories
- Object Graph in Client — In the client target, a RepositoryAdmin is available that provides a model of the objects and associations that the provisioning server works with.
- Object Repository Protocol — Clients can checkout and commit data to the repository. This design describes how this is done.
- Object RepositoryReplication Protocol — In order to distribute the data in the object repositories amongst the relay servers, they should be replicated. This design describes how this is done.
- Permissions and Roles
- Target Attributes analysis