Apache Airavata

Final Report

  • Title

    Apache Custos Baremetal Deployment

  • Background

    Although Apache Custos is currently deployed on a Kubernetes cluster — its size and complexity may not be ideal for a relatively small application like Custos. This project aims to develop an alternative deployment architecture for Custos that aims to simplify its deployment and backup process.

  • Design/description of work

    I started off by shadowing Isuru’s dev work for merging all Custos Core microservices into one module and Custos Integration services into another module.


    • Custos (the spring boot application runs here, MySQL DB)
      I wrote the following roles for Custos environment:
      env_setup: to install software dependencies and SSL certs on the server
      nginx: configure and start Nginx reverse proxying on the server
      database: set up and start MySQL DB used by Custos
      zookeeper: set up and start zookeeper
      set up and start zookeeper
      set up and start Custos core and integration services.
    • Keycloak (PostgreSQL DB)
      Along with the env_setup and nginx roles that are common across the 3 servers, I created the Keycloak role that includes the PostgreSQL configuration along with the Keycloak application configuration. It also starts the PostgreSQL and Keycloak servers.
    • Vault (Hashicorp Consul DB)
      Just like Custos and Keycloak servers — I used the env_setup and nginx roles for the Vault server too. Additionally, I created the consul role and the vault role to configure and start hashicorp consul and hashicorp vault.


  • In the next phase of development, I wrote migration scripts for the 3 DBs. The migrate_db role is run on each of the old servers and the new servers are run with the migrate_db tag.


  • This DB migration was made optional by setting up the migrate_db tag. Here’s the latest PR:


  • Future work
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