Apache Airavata

These are the prominent URLs that can be used to access the application.

Base URL - http://localhost:6060/admin/# (If deployed as a standalone app. If embedded in existing app, the URL pattern would be "protocol://hostname:port/webapp/#" )

All the below URLs should be appended to the base URL. They would work only after the user logs in to the dashboard. Note: The '#' at the end of the above base URL is important and should be included. If you would like to remove the hash, check out angular docs about enabling HTML5 mode. It also would require changes to the application config part in dashboard.js and other string comparisons using $location.

/ - Home page. Username\password and server details

/experiments/all - Lists all the experiments in the server

/experiments/id/:expId - Details of the experiment that corresponds to the expId

/experiments/user/:username - Lists all the experiments of user identified by username

/experiments/errors/:expId - Lists the error details of a particular experiment. If the experiment contains multiple workflows and nodes, the errors of all the workflows and nodes are displayed

/experiments/errors/:expId/workflow/:workflowId - Lists the error details of a particular workflow with id workflowId. Experiement ID of the workflow should also be specified. Node level error details are also displayed

/experiments/search/:searchQuery - Searches for experiments that match the given criteria. Currently the search query can take 3 parameters. All 3 parameters are optional.


  • username
  • fromDate - Date format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  • toDate - Date format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  • No labels