Build and install Ambari 1.7.0

Step 1: Download and build Ambari 1.7.0 source

tar xfvz ambari-1.7.0.tar.gz
cd ambari-1.7.0
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=

RHEL (CentOS 5 or 6) & SUSE (SLES 11):

mvn -B clean install package rpm:rpm -DnewVersion= -DskipTests -Dpython.ver="python >= 2.6"



mvn -B clean install package jdeb:jdeb -DnewVersion= -DskipTests -Dpython.ver="python >= 2.6"


Note: You need to have tools such as rpm-build tool, brunch, etc.  For details on prerequisites, please see Ambari Development.

Step 2: Install Ambari Server

Install the rpm package from ambari-server/target/rpm/ambari-server/RPMS/noarch/

[For CentOS 5 or 6]

yum install ambari-server*.rpm    #This should also pull in postgres packages as well.

[For SLES 11]

zypper install ambari-server*.rpm    #This should also pull in postgres packages as well.

[For Ubuntu 12]

apt-get install ambari-server*.deb   #This should also pull in postgres packages as well.

Step 3: Setup and Start Ambari Server

Run the setup command to configure your Ambari Server, Database, JDK, LDAP, and other options:

ambari-server setup

Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed.

Once set up is done, start Ambari Server:

ambari-server start

Step 4: Install and Start Ambari Agent on All Hosts

Note: This step needs to be run on all hosts that will be managed by Ambari.

Copy the rpm package from ambari-agent/target/rpm/ambari-agent/RPMS/x86_64/ and run:

[For CentOS 5 or 6]

yum install ambari-agent*.rpm

[For SLES 11]

zypper install ambari-agent*.rpm

[For Ubuntu 12]

apt-get install ambari-agent*.rpm

Edit /etc/ambari-agent/ambari.ini



Make sure hostname under the [server] section points to the actual Ambari Server host, rather than "localhost".

ambari-agent start

Step 5: Deploy Cluster using Ambari Web UI

Open up a web browser and go to http://<ambari-server-host>:8080.

Log in with username admin and password admin and follow on-screen instructions. Secure your environment by ensuring your administrator details are changed from the default values as soon as possible.

Under Install Options page, enter the hosts to add to the cluster.  Do not supply any SSH key, and check "Perform manual registration on hosts and do not use SSH" and hit "Next".

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