
Commandline to run buildr under nailgun:

jruby --ng -S buildr

Original doc

NOTE: Due to marginal performance using Nailgun vs. recent JRuby releases, this section of documentation was moved here from the website.

"Nailgun": is a client, protocol, and server for running Java programs from the command line without incurring the JVM startup overhead. Nailgun integration is available only when running Buildr within JRuby.

JRuby users need not to create the @dbuildr@ script listed on the previous section, as they can benefit from using a nailgun client to invoke tasks without having to wait for JVM+JRuby to load.

Start the BuildrServer by executing

$ jruby -S buildr -rbuildr/nailgun nailgun:start

To stop the BuildrServer simply use Ctrl+C or kill the process.

Once the server has been started you can invoke tasks using the nailgun client
installed on @$JRUBY_HOME/tool/nailgun/ng@

$ ng clean compile
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