November 2010 Board Report

We made two releases in the past 3 months, Buildr 1.4.2 and 1.4.3, both containing a number of bug fixes and minor enhancements.

We also voted one new committer (Peter Donald) and one new PMC member (Antoine Toulme), bringing us to a total of 8 committers and 6 PMC members. The project team remains very diversified with no committers affiliated to the same commercial organization.

User and dev mailing lists are healthy, we're seeing sustained adoption and contributions from the community.

In terms of marketing, there was a Buildr presentation in September at JavaZone 2010 and there's a repeat planned in January at the San Francisco Java User Group. (Unfortunately, we had no representation at ApacheCon.) We also set up a new Twitter account to mirror questions asked on StackOverflow and we continue to use our Twitter account and CoTweet to follow comments made about Buildr on the Twittosphere.

There are no current plans to make another release before the end of the year, although this may change based on user/developer motivation and discussion.

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