Apache Buildr is a Ruby-based build system for Java-based applications, including support for Scala, Groovy and a growing number of JVM languages and tools.

At the time of the last report, we were undergoing voting for the release of Buildr 1.4.12, which ultimately happened last April 5th.

Development activity since May has been moderate, with 33 commits including a few bug fixes, dependency updates, better support for Ruby 2.0 and updates to our build/test scripts. The mailing lists remain relatively quiet.

Our last committer addition dates back to October 2010. Our last PMC addition dates back to September 2010. Our discussion/vote to add Peter Donald (our most active committer in the past 2 years) to our PMC stalled back in May. This is my responsibility; I will resume the discussion and request another vote that hopefully will conclude with more participation.

We have no issues that require board attention.

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