Blog from November, 2012

We had a great stay at ApacheCon EU 2012 in Sinsheim, Germany last week.

Some of the Apache Camel and Apache ActiveMQ committers like Hadrian Zbarcea, Charles Moulliard, Christian Schneider, Guillaume Nodet, Jean-Baptiste Onofré, Dejan Bosanac, Aki Yoshida and myself met some of our contributor like Lukasz Dywicki, Christian Ohr, Adrian Trenaman and some of our users like Kai Wähner, Frank Pientka, Achim Nierbeck, Preben Asmussen, Alex Zbarcea and some more from SAP and other companies.

In the Apache Camel in Action track we had five talks about Camel and ActiveMQ:
Christian Müller: Apache Camel in Action - Common problems, solutions and best practices
Hadrian Zbarcea: Apache Camel - Advanced Techniques
Dejan Bosanac: Apollo and future of ActiveMQ
Kai Wähner: Next Generation – Systems Integration in the Cloud Era with Apache Camel
Łukasz Dywicki: When Camel meets CDI

The slides and audio recordings are not available yet, but I will post the links on the user mailing list and add it to our articles site if they are available.

Koseki Nobuyuki arrived from Japan with great gifts from the Japan Apache Camel User Group for many Camel committer, contributor and user. Thanks again Koseki, we hope you have returned well.

We have had good discussions about new requirements which lead in the direction to support additional EIP's like the Control Bus EIP or the Message History EIP.
We have also talked about the long awaited Camel 3.0 release and what should be included and in which manner. We shared and discussed some ideas but didn't make any decisions except to revive the discussion about Camel 3.0. Expect some DISCUSS threads in the next day's at our development mailing list. If you are interested in these discussions and want share your opinions, please join us! You can find out more about our mailing lists here.

After all this discussions (and sometime during the discussions), we had some beers together. I really enjoyed this time and I'm looking forward to meeting you all again at ApacheCon NA 2013 in Portland, Oregon. We have got 18 proposals for talks about Apache Camel. Keep your finger crossed that we will see many of these proposals accepted...

Enjoy the Camel ride!