Component / ArtifactId / URI | License | Description |
ActiveMQ / activemq:[queue|topic:]destinationName | Apache | For JMS Messaging with Apache ActiveMQ. |
ActiveMQ Broker / broker:[queue|topic:]destinationName | Apache | For internal message routing in the ActiveMQ broker using Camel. |
Activiti / activiti:camelProcess:serviceTask | Apache | For working with Activiti, a light-weight workflow and Business Process Management (BPM) platform which supports BPMN 2. |
Bluetooth / bluetooth:label | Apache | Camel Bluetooth component can retrieve information about the Bluetooth devices available within the device range. |
Couchbase / couchbase:protocol://host[:port]/bucket | Couchbase | Working with Couchbase NoSQL document database. |
Db4o / db4o://className | GPL | For using a db4o datastore as a queue via the db4o library. |
Esper / esper:name | GPL | Working with the Esper Library for Event Stream Processing. |
Fabric AMQ / amq:[queue|topic:]destinationName | Apache | The amq: endpoint works exactly like the activemq: endpoint in Apache Camel; only it uses the fabric to automatically discover the broker. So there is no configuration required; it'll just work out of the box and automatically discover whatever ActiveMQ message brokers are available; with failover and load balancing. |
Fabric Fabric / fabric:logicalName:camelEndpointUri | Apache | The fabric: endpoint uses Fabric's discovery mechanism to expose physical sockets, HTTP endpoints, etc. into the runtime registry using a logical name so that clients can use the existing Camel Load Balancer. |
Fabric Master / master:clusterName:camelEndpointUri | Apache | The master: endpoint provides a way to ensure only a single consumer in a cluster consumes from a given endpoint; with automatic failover if that JVM dies. |
Framebuffer / framebuffer://name | Apache | Camel Framebuffer component can be used to manage any Linux Framebuffer. |
gpsd:label[?options] | Apache | Camel GPSD component can be used to read current GPS information from GPS devices. |
Hibernate / hibernate://entityName | GPL | For using a database as a queue via the Hibernate library. |
JBI / jbi:serviceName | Apache | For JBI integration such as working with Apache ServiceMix. |
JCIFS / smb:// | LGPL | This component provides access to remote file systems over the CIFS/SMB networking protocol by using the JCIFS library. |
kura-cloud / kura-wifi:networkInterface/ssid | Apache | Camel Kura Cloud component interacts directly with Kura CloudService. |
kura-wifi / kura-wifi:networkInterface/ssid | Apache | Camel Kura WiFi component can be used to retrieve the information about the WiFi access spots available within the device range. |
NMR / nmr://serviceName | Apache | Integration with the Normalized Message Router BUS in ServiceMix 4.x. |
OpenIMAJ / pi4j-gpio://gpioId[?options] | Apache | Camel OpenIMAJ component can be used to detect faces in images. |
pi4j-gpio / pi4j-gpio://gpioId[?options] | Apache | GPIO Component for RaspberryPi based on pi4j lib. |
pi4j-i2c / pi4j-i2c://busId/deviceId[?options] | Apache | i2c Component for RaspberryPi based on pi4j lib. |
PubNub / pubnub://pubnubEndpointType:channel[?options] | Apache | Camel PubNub component. More information project. |
RCode / rcode://host[:port]/operation[?options] | LGPL | Uses Rserve to integrate Camel with the statistics environment R. |
Scalate / scalate:templateName | Apache | Uses the given Scalate template to transform the message. |
Smooks / unmarshal(edi) | GPL | For working with EDI parsing using the Smooks library. This component is deprecated as Smooks now provides Camel integration out of the box. |
Spring Neo4j / spring-neo4j:http://hostname[:port]/database[?options] | TBA | Component for producing to Neo4j datastore using the Spring Data Neo4j library. |
Tinkerforge / tinkerforge:[//hostname[:port]]/devicetype/uid/[?options] | Apache | The tinkerforge component allows interaction with Tinkerforge bricklets. It uses the standard Java bindings to connects to |
VirtualBox / virtualbox:machine[?options] | GPL V2 | The VitualBox component uses the webservice API that exposes VirtualBox functionality and consumes events generated by virtual machines. |
Webcam / webcam:label[?options] | Apache | Camel Webcam component can be used to capture still images and detect motion. |
ZeroMQ / zeromq:(tcp|ipc)://hostname:port | LGPL | The ZeroMQ component allows you to consumer or produce messages using ZeroMQ. |