Student Name:RESHMI RAJI
Project Proposal title:Web-based User Interface for Jena Fuseki
Apache project name:Apache Jena
Mentor name:Andy Seaborne,Damian Steer
link to project idea JIRA:Web-based User Interface for Jena Fuseki
Proposal Content Details :


This proposal intent for creating a Web-based User Interface for Jena Fuseki ,a SPARQL server
*This interface allows the user to select any resource from either a list of all triples in a graph, or from the results of a SPARQL query.Then view all of the statements that reference the resource.
*An IDE for input query - syntax highlighting, automatic indentation, and easy commenting out of selected lines of text.
*Display time consumed for query execution, and allow the user to cancel queries that may be taking too long.
*Display of CPU/Memory usage, disk space remaining.



Fuseki is a SPARQL server. It provides REST-style SPARQL HTTP Update, SPARQL Query, and SPARQL Update using the SPARQL protocol over HTTP.
Currently SPARQL Over HTTP – command-line tools for working with any SPARQL 1.1 system is available.The proposal is to make separate GUI for Client-User and Admin-User.

The Resource Explorer,Link to the documentation, navigating RDF and datasets for both the users.


User:-Select stored queries either from a list of all triples in a graph, or from the results of a SPARQL query.


SPARQL Query, SPARQL Update, and file/data upload to a selected dataset.
Statistical view of Data Usage(Backup)


Monitoring the DataBase updates and DataBase administration

2.2.Tools and skills:

Java, HTML+CSS, Javascript, Velocity (templates used server-side in place of JSP)

GUI is going to be Built over the project.The contents of the pages are as follows.

Client User-Page:(Read Permission)

Frame-1:Customer Login Page
Frame-2:Content Page
*Menu and Tools panel

*Tree view of Project panel
*General purpose panel
#Link to Documentation

Publisher-Page:(Read & Write Permission)

Frame-1:Publisher Login Page
Frame-2:Content Page
*Menu and Tools panel

*Tree view of Project panel
#Notification-Select,Insert,Update,Delete notifications by other publishers

*General purpose panel
#Insert-Inserting to DB
#Link to Documentation
#Link to Back-Up

Admin-Page:(Read & Weite Permission)

Frame-1:Admin Login Page
Frame-2:Content Page
*Menu and Tools panel

*Tree view of Project panel
#Statical view of Users(Client and Publisher)
#Notification-Select,Insert,Update,Delete notifications
#Controls-Permission control of Client User and Publisher
*General purpose panel
#Insert-Inserting to DB
#Link to Documentation


July 22 - August 02

Getting started
Proposal review and discussions, getting familiar with related technologies.

August 05 - September 09
Client-User GUI submission.

September 13
Midterm evaluation
Admin-User GUI submission

September 24 - October 21
Correction, Validation and Documentation phase

October 28

Submitting final evaluation

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