VFS - Virtual File System
Apache Commons VFS provides a single API for accessing various different file systems. It presents a uniform view of the files from various different sources, such as the files on local disk, on an HTTP server, or inside a Zip archive.
Its homepage is located at: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-vfs/.
What to do if access to a filesystem fails.
- VfsProblems
Usage and Solutions
- VfsExampleShell - command line (classpath) samples
- VfsCacheStrategy
- VfsFaq - lets start a FAQ
- VfsCapabilitiesMatrix - Capabilities of file system providers
Future and Contributions
Stuff we will see in (one of) the next release(s):
- VfsNext - ideas, todos, open issues (needs cleanup)
- VfsReleaseState - roadmap for next release
- VfsTestServers - how to integration test with external servers
- Extend the JDK Classes with Jakarta Commons, Part III - Explore Jakarta Commons components that enable you to parse arguments in a command-line application, connect to various file systems at the same time, allow an application to uniformly access configurations loaded from various sources, and pool any object.
- Scripting VFS - JavaScript scripting examples using Commons VFS
Related Projects
- VFS JFileChooser - A Java Swing component which browses local or remote locations using VFS
- Dctm VFS - Provides a plugin for Commons VFS that allows you to access EMC Documentum as a filesystem.
- VFS FTPServer - provides a Commons VFS implementation for the Apache FTPServer project
- GaeVFS - GaeVFS is an Apache Commons VFS plug-in that implements a distributed, writeable virtual file system for Google App Engine (GAE) for Java.
- Commons VFS UI - Commons VFS UI is a gui application for the Commons VFS.
- VFS-S3 - Amazon S3 plugin for VFS (Apache Commons Virtual File System). VFS-S3 allows you to operate Amazon S3 buckets and files using Commons VFS. Original version from http://code.google.com/p/vfs-s3/ was outdated and is not supported anymore - proof
- Commons VFS Grid - Commons VFS Grid is a collection of file system providers for Commons VFS, which provide SRB, GridFTP and other Grid file systems.
- Loopy - Loopy is ISO9660 file system (i.e. .iso files) plug-in for Apache Commons VFS.
- VFS-utils - This project provides some utilities for working with the Apache Commons VFS libraries. It provides a bridge to the Apache Mina FTP Server and a Java shell / console providing a command line interface to VFS operations.
- Ant Commander - Ant Commander is a free file manager written in Java/Swing and is based on Apache Ant and Apache Commons-vfs. Ant Commander includes Commons-vfs and the libraries needed for the different file systems.
- VFSLib Java Library - Commons VFS providers for Dropbox, Google Drive, and Amazon S3 cloud file systems first published in 2013.
- seeburger-vfs2 - VFS providers for database blobs and layered git-trees.
- vfs-azure - VFS provider for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage by Kervin Pierre.